
Brief story tonight–started Fish on a Bicycle and got tired super quick!

But this was pretty funny–and it all started with a really shitty phone connection.

My stepmom called me to see if we were interested in going to Auburn for their light festival. The connection was shitty, but I tried to tell her that we couldn’t–I’d already bought tickets for the Sacramento Gay Men’s Chorus.

“Where are you going again?” she asked, after I told her to ask the older kids.

“The Sacramento Gay Men’s Chorus–they’re down in Sacramento and–“

“The Sacramento Day Men’s Chorus?” The phone was really staticky– I think that’s what she said.

“No, the Sacramento Gay Men’s Chorus–they’re doing a thing with elves and–“

“The Sacramento Bay Men’s Chorus?”

“No! The SACRAMENTO. GAY. MEN’S. CHORUS. Gay! As in HO-MO-SEX-U-AL!” (Behind me I could hear my kids crack up.)

“I KNOW WHAT IT MEANS! I just didn’t know that’s what you were saying!”

“I said we’re going to their performance because I bought tickets!”

“I knew that. Anyway–I’ll call the older kids.”

“I”m sure they’d love to go.”

I hung up a few sentences later, and when I turned around, Mate was giving me one of these:



“You and your mother have the weirdest conversations sometimes.”

“It helps when we can hear each other.”
