So, business first, Truth in the Dark was awarded that purty little button fromJoyfully Reviewed — I’m so very proud!
And, I’m not sure I posted these here–I put them up on Facebook, but not here:
These are from Love Romance Cafe for Keeping Promise Rock–the Runner Up is for best contemporary, and the Winner is for best erotic romance. (Which cracks me up, since KPR is pretty vanilla that way–it caught that category for the m/m, I think, but I’m not gonna look a purty button in the keester. That’s just rude!) The fun thing about taking those two categories, though, was that I was up against het (m/f) in both of them, and, well, okay. I’m pleased & proud. Don’t know what else to tell you. Just am. Thank you to everyone who believed in me–who keeps believing in me. Just thank you.
And Rachel Haimowitz, who is an AMAZING author in her own right, allowed me to go play in her sandbox this weekend and here I am, dishing about my insecurities again. Thanks, Rachel, for the chance to blather–your sandbox is lovely, and your toys are top notch!
So that was business–the rest of it? Weirdness. Just general weirdness around here. Want some examples?
I took Big T to go get his passport on Saturday for his Senior Trip (which is also his Senior gift, which he took instead of a car) and… well… we got there, I sent my packages (because heaven forbid I don’t multitask) and it turned out he’d forgotten a couple of documents. I sighed, too him home, got the documents, and got back just in time to be told that they weren’t processing anyone else that day.
“Are you mad?” Big T asked.
“I’m exasperated.”
“What’s that mean?”
“It means if you keep asking me I’ll be mad.”
“But you’re not mad now?”
“Kid, all I can say is that you’re lucky I’m not your Grandpa Pete. I did something like this to Grandpa Pete when I was your age, and he was so pissed he wrecked the car while pulling back into our driveway. Me? I’m gonna crank up this song and expect you to tell me I sound awesome when I sing.”
But maybe it’s the men in our family who were all for ticking me off this particular weekend, I don’t know.
Zoomboy came home last week and said, “I’ve got 24 Valentines to give out. I want to MAKE them all!”
“You sure kid? You sure you just don’t want to go buy a box? I can get you some Scooby Doo Valentines, the kind with the sucker that goes through the middle– whaddya say?”
“No! I want to MAKE them!”
Well, he did make them–but he saved TWENTY of them for yesterday, and he needed his father’s help to do it. *plbt* I foresee a lot of science fair projects in his father’s future, and that’s the truth.
And I posted this next bit in Live Journal (because I’m experimenting with a multi-media blitz of my absurdities, and, well, because I have to be on LJ because it’s where the Torquere Press people go to play, and I need to go play there too) and, well, it pretty much bodes an ordinary day for me today:
I was going to go Valentine’s Day shopping today for the kids (and Mate) and Mate offered to come with, and then got Squish all excited about going. I said fine, we needed milk anyway, and then as we were driving, said I’d go Valentine’s day shopping later.
“I’ll come with you!” he said.
“When am I supposed to be getting your card?”
“We’re getting cards for each other?”
“Never mind. Why would I need a card? Or flowers? We’re beyond these things. Women don’t want cards. Or flowers. Only shallow women like to hear that their love is confirmed and returned, and God knows I’m not shallow. Of course we don’t need cards. It’s superfluous. Silly even. There’s not a reason on the planet I’d expect a card tomorrow. We’re beyond that. We’ve evolved. Twenty-four years means that romance is for other people, like college students and children. Why would we indulge in something like cards, or flowers, especially since I’m home all day and have no friends to show them off to! Absolutely. A card would be a bad idea.”
Do you think he got the hint?
So I MAY be able to get him a card today after I get the kids, and the selection has been picked over by all the other losers waiting for the last frickin’ minute. *sigh*
But that’s okay–because I have a Valentine’s Day song, and it makes me VERY happy. Thank you Chris for giving this particular song to me–it’s lovely. I leave it to you all as my Valentine’s Day Present:
Well hooray that Mate is there to help with the valentines! Was there glitter?
The awards are sooooo cool! Yay you! So,so, SO proud of ya!
We've moved passed cards also. Now it's movies.
Good job on the awards.
You really did take a shine to that song, didn't you?!
Hey! Contest for Supernatural soundtrack, today only.