The Keith Milano Foundation

Hey all–

So this post is about Thursday night’s event, which is a benefit for the Keith Milano Memorial Fund. I’ve been a part of this in one way or another every year, and it’s always a joy to know I’m participating in something that does some good.

Each year I donate the proceeds for one book for a month (or a minimum $ amount if the book doesn’t do that great) –this year’s book is Summer Lessons, and everybody who loved Mason’s little brother Dane, and wanted to see his romance with Carpenter, you’ll understand why. (And if you didn’t, you can always hit the link  and purchase it during the month of May!)

So I have pictures of the event, and the awesome cookie we got as a thank you and  the awesome people who came to talk to me while I was there.  It was also the night of the 20’s party, and yes–that’s me in costume 😉

Following is some information about this night, and at the END of the post is a picture of ZoomBoy and Imperial Scouts in order of May the Fourth be with you! By all means read the info to get to the picture of ZoomBoy!

And, uh, May the Fourth be With You!

*  *  *

Welcome the 5th Annual Mental Health Awareness Month Book Fundraiser benefiting the Keith Milano Memorial Fund at the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

For the 5th year, an amazing group of authors have generously agreed to donate a portion of their May sales for the books listed here.

Here is how you can help raise money and awareness for mental health:

  • You can purchase a book from the amazing books listed here! We hope you will #1click4charity a number of these amazing books! Please note that although the sheet has Amazon Kindle buy links, the portion of sales is from any platform: digital and print.
  • Help Raise Awareness by sharing a photo or short video of why this cause matters to you using #ShareYourWhy via Social Media.
  • Share the image below on social media to raise awareness and to show your support.
  • Make a tax-deductible donation directly to the Keith Milano Memorial Fund at AFSP. You can do a direct donation at

Thank you in advance for your support as we work to bring mental illness out of the darkness.

Fund Information:

The Keith Milano Memorial Fund was established to help raise awareness about the devastating and deadly disease that is mental illness. Keith’s spirit and laughter is kept alive through our efforts to increase awareness about mental illness and to raise money for education and imperative research. Keith often struggled with society’s perception of mental illness.  Our hope is that by having the strength to say that Keith was “Bipolar” we can strip away the stigma and help others to be more open about their disease.

If you want to know more about Keith or why Denise does what she does, here is short video/interview that speaks to that!

Be on the lookout as she will also be posting her #ShareYourWhy this month.

Keith Milano Memorial Fund
140 Adams Ave Suite B-12
Hauppauge NY 11788
Direct Donation:
The Keith Milano Memorial Fund benefits the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP)
At the end of the event, participating authors will pay AFSP directly.
AFSP is the only national not-for-profit organization exclusively dedicated to understanding and preventing suicide through research and education, and to reaching out to people with mood disorders and those affected by suicide.
AFSP is a fully accredited 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization incorporated in the state of Delaware with primary offices in New York City. Federal tax ID # is 13-3393329.
AFSP’s Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) number is 10545.
Donations to AFSP are tax deductible.