The Kids are All Right

I got an opportunity to go swimming to day, which would have been sort of cool, except, hello, it was OCTOBER! I went anyway, but the miserable heat this late in the year is worrying–I mean, yes, we know global warming exists, but there’s nothing like having our noses rubbed in it, right?

The big kids BOTH have homecoming dances at two different schools on Saturday–this makes for much hilarity in the taxi front, especially as Chicken has not just Homecoming (with a capital H) she has a DAY scheduled as well. I remember days like this from when I was a kid–you try to do as much as humanly possible, and get frustrated when the days just do not expand as they must. She is going to wake up in the morning, go take the PSAT, then go to a soccer game, and then go to the Homecoming dance. (Squish and Zoomboy have a birthday party that day as well!) and then… and then…

This is Mate and I, doing what we do best–tag team parenting. On the one hand, these are frantic, wonderful days, and on the other… yes. I am well aware that they do not last and I should enjoy the whirlwind with all my heart. I do. I am. I fell asleep on the couch tonight with Squish in my arms, and when the silk of her hair brushed my chin, I just wanted to hold her tighter. There won’t be many more days for this–I want to hold them to my heart. Chicken and Big T went and got clothes for their dance tonight with my dad, and he said, “You must take pictures!” and I thought, “ABSOLUTELY.” I want pictures of this “day” for my children. They are very nearly grown.

*whew* And Sunday is a whole other mess.