The picture post…

I am having a good day here–

Dreamspinner did it’s Apples-to-Apples game– went well!  Damon Suede, Tere Michaels, Kate McMurray, Rayna Vauss and a lot of other people awesome people all did the Wheel of Romance– also, went very well.  But after that and lunch, we were a little tired (except Damon, who is probably still dancing) and we wanted to unwind.

So we had a drink or two, and some dinner and another drink, and we bullshitted and had a really good time.  It was sort of cool– I think they filmed the Amazing Race in Dallas this week, and today they rappelled down the tower next to the hotel.  They were having that party in the bar too– so fun times!

In general, after a lot of running around (much of which I haven’t even hinted here because it will make you tired) there was camaraderie and general good will.


And on the other side of the world, Mate was making Russian tea cakes and pirogi for Zoomboy’s Russia presentation and report, to sell for the annual PTA fundraiser.

I have pictures, but I missed being there in person– a lot.

And I didn’t even know how much, right? Because we’re all so busy.

But today, I was packing my swag up from the swag room, and I got to the bottom of the box that arrived today.  Mate had to send me some swag and my banner, and it was a big hairy deal, and I was so grateful that he could do that for me.   Anyway, so I made sure there weren’t any pins in the bottom of the box, and then I found my mouse.

See– when I packed up my computer, I remembered the mouse receiver  that goes in the port, but I forgot the mouse.  My touchpad occasionally goes on the fritz, so the mouse was just the better way to go.

And I saw the mouse, and was reminded again at my husband’s thoughtfulness, and that he had the kids today at Open House, and that I wasn’t going to be there.

And I cried.

And that’s when I suggested we go for a drink afterwards.

Which was probably a good call.  Because geez, I’m so sorry I missed this.