Things that rock my world…

* This. This definitely rocked my world. Yummy guys? Yummy yummy hot guys? IN ANIME? *swoon* *thud*

* Going to Zoomboy’s class to see his purty purty art.

* Seeing Squish ‘adopted’ as class pet, because she was a ‘little sister’– even though she was almost as tall as a lot of the first graders.

* Chicken’s out of school.

* And she’s decided that she likes dance.

* And so does Squish.

* Big T is almost old enough to get a job! (If you knew all the times he clutter-talked at me when I was trying to write, you’d see why this would rock my world!)

* I’m making a hat out of al paca. (Small things.)

* People keep sending me links to hot-nekkid-men sites. I’m not gonna post the links, cause I don’t think that’s really my audience, but I’ll do the trenchcoat thing and send you some if you let me know you want, Mostly, I mention it because, when I’m feeling depressed or bitter or bitchy, *voila* Someone sends me a new photo op w/hot nekkid men. I guess it’s a perk of the job.

* Everybody’s out of school.

* Mate’s taking me to A-Team on Sunday.

* I have TWO novellas coming from Dreamspinner in the next three weeks.

* I think they’re both pretty good.

* I have the house to myself tonight.

* I got a walk.

* I FINALLY figured out what that piece of music was in my favorite Supernatural video and I HUNTED it and I CAPTURED it, and I CAGED it in my iPod! (I want a trophy, dammit!)

* I’m 37 pages into the sixth Jack & Teague. It’s breaking my heart.

* I think I WILL do Quickening before Living Promises. And that’s a choice I can make.

* But I’m doing Secret Cover Project first.

* Secret Cover Project rocks my world.

* And so does knitting while watching television…

Nai nai!