Try for two…

Maybe 3…. (You probably can’t see, since the picture was taken at night, but the buttons on the hoodie are fish…love fish!)

0 thoughts on “Try for two…”

  1. Is Chicken poking the kitten with a tooth brush?!

    The sweater looks lovely. Congrats on the 1/3rd edit.

  2. Bells says:

    oh yeah! Great buttons. Love the fish! Photos are a rare treat on your blog Amy. always love to see them!

  3. roxie says:

    Is Chicken poking the poor kitten with a vibrating toothbrush? She won’t like it when Kitten buries that toothbrush in the litter box!

    Love, love, love the lizzard suit! (sings) We’re off to see the lizzard, the wonderful lizzard of ahhhs.

  4. Susan says:

    Key Ute!

    (Illegal At-work Commenting! Penalty: 5 extra Minutes)

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