Lots and lots of turkeys, that I have yet to meet!
A scarf done for Big T, and some mitts working for Squish,
Really, I’ve got knitting and as much yarn as you could wish!
Squish’s birthday dinner went off without a hitch–
Not yarn for her, but Chinese food! As much as you could wish.
And then we saw the King’ lose– no surprise really there,
What’s surprising is my Mate–who still has the energy to care!
So dinner first, then cake, then game,
and thanks to all the folks who came!
Auntie Wendy, Uncle Chris,
Grandpa Pete, Grandma Janis,
Grandma Bobbie, and all of us–
a birthday party without much fuss.
And a Squish who was happy with the rest of us!
But tired kids– that is the truth,
and Thursday started with kids all droopy.
And the dog had trouble with his morning poopy.
But I got lots of pictures of the morning turkeys,
who didn’t seem to mind that their street was all… well, rainy. (Sorry… lost the mojo there for a minute.)
But now the day is really sunny, and the turkeys on the street are funny,
I love to watch them walk around like they own our little town,
I love to watch them kind of strut
I love to watch them flaunt their stuff!
And get their feathers in a ruffle and their puffy chests a-fluffle!
In the rain or in the sun, I love to watch those turkeys run!
But through all this, I think I’ll miss
the tiny baby who was my Squish–
It can be argued, boy and how!
That seven is a big girl now!
And she says such grown-up things
about dogs and movies and bunnies and kings.
I asked her if she had regrets
About how big her party DIDN’T get.
“No, mom, I still like my birthday plan,
I believe we should continue on.”
And on and on and on she goes
Saying stuff that’s proved she’s grown.
And on and on and on she grows
Leaving behind the baby I have known.
But oh, what a woman she’ll be
And I know we’re waiting, we long to see
The amazing things my Squish will do.
But I bet you miss her as a baby too.
I know I do– and that is true.