Two Cylinders, One of them Sleeping

 Okay, so still sick– which means I’m the world’s must boring blogger.  I have accomplished a few things though.

I managed to finally (cause it’s eight days late) write my November Amy’s Lane.

It’s about where our creativity comes from, and after it was finished and I’d published it already, I came to a stunning realization.  The more concrete reasoning we do in a piece of writing, the less the reader has to do, and the more intuiting they have to do about whether or not that reasoning aligns with their value system or not.  Which explains reader reaction to non-fiction and essay writing.  And the less concrete reasoning the writer does in a work, the more intuiting they do in presenting their argument– and the more concrete reasoning the reader has to do, and this explains a reader’s reaction to fiction.

And that will be another Amy’s Lane, I’m sure.  Or, I shall look back upon it and declare it the mad ramblings of a sick woman.  Either way, we’ll call it done.

Other thing.  In the article I say I’ve written 20,000 words of fiction.  5,000 words are a VERY short story for an April Fool’s anthology for Ethan Day, who runs Wilde City Press.  I will tell you two things about this short.

A.  It’s very hot.

B.  The names of the leads are Gordie and Steve, and they discuss the products of Geoff and Johnny’s erotic enhancements.  So, well, yeah.  My household cats have been fanficced in alternative universe porn without point. I’m not sure if it’s depravity or genius.  We’ll have to wait until April to see!

The other 15K are toward a novella that will be the sequel to Candy Man.  The thing is, Candy Man had a character who screamed for a sequel, and I needed something short and relatively uncomplicated before I wrote Quickening.  Bitter Taffy looks like that’s the perfect story to fit into the perfect time slot.  And like I say in the Amy’s Lane essay, it’s perfect to write when you’re sick or need something comforting.  I’m thinking that’s what kind of read it’s going to be as well.

Oh– and this is exciting.  Bell’s of Times Square will be featured as a Top Pick in Romantic Times Magazine in February, with 4 1/2 Stars, and a lovely review, which I will probably quote later until you’re sick of it.  And they’re going to pull quotes from the review (and one from Publisher’s Weekly which wasn’t as flattering but which had a kick-ass quote) and put the quotes on the cover.  

I know. Silly and juvenile of me, but I’m playing with the big kids, and now one of my books will be dressed in big kids’ clothes.

I like the way they fit.

Oh– and the fish poster?

Saw it on FB, and I”m pretty sure it’s the essence of all romance writing ever.  Don’t touch my fish! But there’s a lot of fish to write about.  That’s a lot of stories. That gets mighty interesting, right?

Chicken is in the middle of finals right now, and hence the Bender and SpongeBob pictures.  But then, they could also be reacting to Rhys Ford’s posted picture of the snake in the sweater.  Because that’s what she thought I was knitting when she burst out in the middle of her panel with, “Amy Lane, what in the fuck are you knitting? A sweater for a snake?”

Well, it was a fingerless mitten.  Maybe it was a pair of pants, if the snake was particularly well endowed.

And on that thought, I’ll leave you alone.  Probably looking like SpongeBob, because the idea of the snake wearing a fingerless mitten in an inappropriate manner would do that to anyone.