So, WAY underwater this week. Like… *waves while drowning*
But tonight, as I was working, my friend’s chat window pops up and I’m like, “Hey, I can talk to Rayna–“
And at that moment, in the dead silence of the house, Mate starts screaming “OW OW OW OW OW OW!!!”
I run down the hallway, dogs clattering at my heels, and he’s sprawled in the middle of the bed.
“I woke up and had a muscle cramp, and rolled over, and it went away.”
So I start to massage it, with Geoffie giving me open mouth kisses, and the other dogs still barking because they’re a little bit confused.
He fell back asleep again–but it was my only break for an hour.
Excuse me while I go to bed and take a breath.