What I’m wearing today…

It’s sort of my uniform after getting home from any trip, but it’s got the same basic style, shape, and function:

* ripped jeans

* stretched out T-shirt

*  bra that doesn’t chafe

*  underwear that don’t droop

*  softest, stretchiest hoodie

*  flip-flops

* scarf

*  booby hamster

I’m home– oh baby I’m home!

Some things that happened in the last hours of my trip…

*  The sun came out.

*  I got to go walking on the beach.

*  I took lots of pictures– many of them panoramic, because Daytona really does look like the pictures and the movies, and that’s sort of cool.

*  I realized that even though there are many nice hotels on the strip, there are some hotels where the 80’s went to cook meth and die.  I was REALLY happy to be in one of the nice ones.

*  I got to have dinner with Gini Koch and T.C. Blue— T.C. writes m/m, and we’ve been to cons before, but Gini is het sci-fi/humor (think Terry Pratchett with girl power!) and together, we had a blast on the last night .

*  I discovered that you CAN make a sexual innuendo about anything, even shelling lobster in Joe’s Crab Shack (thank you Gini and T.C.!).

*  By hilarious chance, Gini and I got seated next to each other on the plane from Daytona to Atlanta– she is a glorious traveling companion.  She even bolted a sandwich with me during my shortened layover.

*  The plane from Atlanta to San Francisco spent two hours on the tarmac– I slept through both of them.

* I woke up about half an hour after take off and read a book cover to cover.

*  My seat mate for that leg of the tip told me I looked like a fatter version of Debra Messing.  Since Mate has sort of a crush on her, I took that as a compliment.

*  The dog was so excited to see me when I got home that he peed all over the house.  Twice.

*  The cat camped out on my feet when I went to the bathroom this morning– no hand humping involved.  I was a pooping human woobie.

*  The kids were thrilled that I was home– I was hugged to death.

*  Squish wore her hat to school.  Zoomboy got Lego Harry Potter years 1-4 for his video game.  Everybody wanted some mom.

*  Mate said he missed me.  This means a lot to me– I always feel like I don’t do enough when I’m home.  It’s good to know I’m missed.

It’s my first day back, which means I’m doing my best imitation of a comatose garden slug.  No– not kidding–I don’t even do laundry my first day back, hence my traditional uniform.  I’m useless.  I’m a barely sentient paperweight.  For instance, now, after my traditional gazunga hour nap I may get some work done on my drug addicted rock star.

Besides watching television with my kids?

It’s what I look forward to most in the world.

I’m glad to be home.