What you see…

He’s doing the robot, can
you tell?

So my original plan was to blog yesterday, and to make it all pictures of Universal Studio, but my pictures didn’t send and to be quite honest, I was so tired by that point that I couldn’t brain words.

So today the pictures sent, but by then, I was balls deep in Disneyland with a phone that had no battery. (There’s a special sort of hell for that… I just have to think of a name. I’ll take suggestions with Greek and Latin roots, and anything beyond “Fuckin’ phone!” will surpass my idea in both originality, creativity, and use of vocabulary.)  I have to say, if my phone had possessed more than vestigial power resources, I would have snapped a picture of the guy who sold us ice cream in Toon Town. He looked jUST LIKE Rico from Bitter Taffy, and dudes… Rico’s worth looking at.


She’s like the poster child for
Disney adorable.

It is once again late, I can’t brain words, and i’ve 650 words to go before I win NANOWRIMO.  Oh– and we have to go get Chicken and T from San Diego in the morning.

So, well, I’m going to deluge you with photos.  If I’m feeling generous, I’ll add a caption. If I’m feeling brain dead I’ll drool on the keyboard until I hit publish, and, well, no caption.

BTW– remember that I’m WAY THE HELL FAT and I’ve been out of working out commission for about three weeks.  (Tweaked shoulder, head cold, rain.)  Mate tracked 18,000 steps on his FitBit, and given that I had to sit down and take five and skip a couple of rides, I figure that puts me between 12-14,000.


Can’t brain, I’ve got the fricken exhausted.  

I’m pretty sure they were afraid to keep going.

Old, fat, and tired sucks. I’m gonna have to do something about that middle part. That’s all I’ve got for you right there.

But my children were adorable– and on the way home in the bus today, ZoomBoy talked to everybody. By the time people were done with that bus ride they knew our names and the sie of our feet.

And all sorts of stuff we would rather have not spilled in between.

I only seem to get these photos when Mate is alone with them.

Kids. Gotta love ’em cause you can’t give them to someone else without paperwork.

Anyway– these are somewhat out of order– we did Universal Studios first, and Disnelyand today, but, you know.


At this point, he’s unsure
what the deal is about.
Seriously– the best thing about this classic picture in
the classic ride is that Mate caught the whole moment
on video and it made him queasy.

Guess who got to be a Jedi in training.
He almost wet his pants. 

This is Rhys Ford’s cat. I gave Rhys
the scarf, but apparently it was really
meant for Neko.

This was taken with Rhys and her Horde/Crew at Zion Asian
Market. Andi, John, Felix, Marilyn, Paisley
Beth, Steve, and Andrea (and Rhys, of course!) it was SUCH
an awesome lunch. And ZB and Squish made their own legos
at Fashion Valley Mall while we were doing this, so it was

This is Mario Lopez. I was so embarrassed
taking this photo, but you guys?

Guess who won their own minions at the Despicable Me
Amusement Park with the clever name that I’ve totally forgotten?

SpongeBob. SPONGEBOB. Do we need other words?

Fun with special effects!

And we met Betty Boop!

The Mummy. btw– the actor
was GREAT. He wasn’t letting
them get away.

This one was Mate’s favorite. He loves this movie.

My family in Hollywood. They’re awesome enough for it.

Homer has to be there if we’re eating a donut that big.

But all together is the only way to eat it.

Know what?
It really IS so FLUFFY!

Homer is his hear. God, I’m a bad

He’s calling Mars– they’re not beaming stuff in fast enough, mom.
HIs directions are unclear.