Winner, losers, and random numbers

*drumroll please*

And the winner is…

LIZ!  Liz, darlin’, #10 on the comments, you won the free copy of City Mouse/Country Mouse.  Give me a buzz at amylane AT greenshill DOT com, and send me your address, kay?

And WOW, that weekend went by quickly.

First there was the interview for Write on the Edge, which was both fun and sort of draining.  And then there was the incessant wondering, “How much of an idiot did I sound like?  A minor idiot, a psychotic cat sort of idiot, or a full fledged nematode with an attention deficit– I’ll let you guys be the judge.

There was a trip to the grocery store with my husband, because sometimes, we’re so desperate for each other’s company that we go, “Hey, I have a soul-killing errand to run, want to come with?” and the other one will drop whatever we’re doing to come with, because everything is better with mates.  It just is!

Chicken drew this, Teen Wolf fans. It’s awesome.

On Friday, Big T’s friend came over and cut the kids’ hair, and although the price was right, and she was very sweet, I think, in the end, Zoomboy’s cowlicks completely defeated her.  That’s okay.  Zoomboy didn’t care, and she came to my house.  I’m calling her again, especially when it’s time to dye my hair some more.  Wheehoo!  (Oh, and by the way, I sent Chicken that picture showing off ZB’s hair cut, and her first comment was, “Isn’t that my T-shirt?”  Ah, siblings.)

We went to visit Mate’s mom– lunch at Rubio’s and a trip to the used book store– it’s sort of our thing.  The used book store is sort of awesome– I used to sell my books there on consignment, and as I’ve gotten less dependent on my indie work, they’ve gotten more and more excited for me.  I told Kelly today that I met Robyn Carr and she got so excited!

Also, I got some fun videos and links, via a fan (Thanks Dan!) and Chicken (who drew the picture– did you see!)

The first one is totally safe for work and adorable– and you can find it right here! 

The second one is also safe for work, and only really works if you love both Supernatural and Adventure Time.  Because, you know, it’s crossed over.  And I HAVE to show it in my view.  Cause.

And this right here is the WORLD’S GREATEST LINK ABOUT SUPERNATURAL EVER.  I shit you not.  If you’ve loved the show–even for a season, you will appreciate.

And also?  I’m editing Triane’s Son Rising, the first of the Bitter Moon books.  Now I’m not sure if I’ve talked much about this, but the books are getting split into four parts instead of two, and prettied up for Harmony Ink, Dreamspinner Press’s Young Adult imprint.  Now I’m very excited about this, but at the same time, getting my global notes back was hard.  The books have been read by a number of people, and the things the editor wanted me to change hadn’t been really complained about–but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t going to happen.  So I need to ask myself what assumptions about my work I need to let go and what things I need to keep.  It’s a tricky balance to walk.  What’s age worth if you don’t gain experience?  What’s youth for if your raw enthusiasm doesn’t help you do the impossible?  Either way, editing is going to be a challenge, but I’ve put it off for as long as possible.  I finished my Christmas novella (tentatively titled Prince in the Tower) and got some more work done on my supposedly light little story about theatre geeks that’s turning into a novel without my permission.  It is time to put on my big girl panties and get this shit done.

Anyway– the good news is, that the cover art is GORGEOUS–and I get to share the first book (although I’ve seen the initial sketches for the rest of them.)

So here it is.  And now, I’m gonna go knit, cause I’ve earned a little knitting with my weekend.

0 thoughts on “Winner, losers, and random numbers”

  1. Cotilla says:

    I loved that interview! You have a lovely voice!

    I don't know why, but I imagined you with a deeper and rougher voice… I think its all the angst, your voice doesn't match that at all, its very cheery 😉

  2. roxie says:

    Akshully, I like Zoomboy's haircut. And what a deal – she came to your house!!

    Hooray for "Bitter Moon" making it to paid press! You write so darn well!

    DH and I enjoy grocery shopping together, but since it's just for the two of us, it's not that big a deal. We like observing life's rich pagent going on around us. Our favorite market caters to a variety of ethnic groups, and it's fascinating to see how one family silently trails along as grandma pushes the cart and issues commands, and another family is like a moving swarm of wasps, bright and loud and flying in all directions.

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