Winner, Winner, Mack and Cheese Dinner!

And another short take tonight–but hopefully a funny one 🙂

I did something funky to my knee–it’s swollen and it hurts and I’ve been taking Motrin for my knee but it’s bad for my stomach and that hurts too, and generally, after my afternoon nap, I put on my pajamas and just left them on.

Mate came home and got Squish for her last practice, and I got up and did dishes and started dinner. Mac and ham and cheese. Yum!  (I cooked a ham Tuesday night so that it might last all week. Tomorrow, I’m making BEANS!)

Anyway, I’d done a visual of the refrigerator, but I hadn’t checked on how old the ingredients were. Sure enough, I opened the cheese and it was moldy.

Crap! I tried to text Mate so he could stop for cheese on his way home with Squish, but he dropped her off and called me instead. He’s been assistant coaching for two teams this year and full-time coaching for Squish’s. One of those teams was having it’s end of the year party tonight, and the girls wanted him to come say hi.

So, okay. Fine. I had to run get cheese.

But… knee. And comfy. And… *whine*

I got the cheese, made us dinner, and it was ready by the time Mate got back from saying hi to his 10/Under group.  We ate in front of the TV (watched 12 Shorts by Disney, it’s on Netflix and some of them made me sob like a baby.)  Not long after the kids went to bed, because hey, we really were running that late.

“So,” I said, pulling my head into getting up to work. “How was your day.”

He looked up from his computer–which he’d opened right after he’d finished eating–and said, “So busy I’m not even sure it’s done yet.  How was yours?”

“I went to Safeway in my pajamas.”

HIs eyes widened, and he looked at me in my giant T-shirt and the purple pajama bottoms with the snowflakes on the ass.

And then he burst out laughing and offered a high-five.

“You win!” he chuckled. I accepted my five gratefully and got up to work.

It was good to win at something.

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