What the horoscope said:

on December 12, 2008

“You will get news or meet friends today, Amy, from abroad. These things could possibly cheer you all day.” What happened: During my second period class another teacher walked in with a cop. I glanced at the cop and then at my (admittedly dodgy) class and was about to say, “Okay, officer, which kid are… Read More

You mean I have to clean the house?

on December 11, 2008

I was having a hard time figuring out why the house was so thrashed. I mean, didn’t I have a system? Don’t I ask the kids to clean parts before I leave it? Doesn’t Mate clean the kitchen sometimes? Haven’t I been making the short people clean up their stuff? What’s missing? Oh? Oh. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh…. Read More

When you’re out of material…

on December 10, 2008

Look through your pictures! Ladybug has been sick for two days… and now she is no longer sick and driving everyone bugshit–time for her to go back to the babysitter’s and dad to go back to work. And mom? Losing her fricking mind–I mean that. Christmas knitting? Oh yeah–I’ve got that. Papers to grade? An… Read More

And I didn’t even get to the best part!!!

on December 7, 2008

Okay–so when Chicken was helping me open yarn packages in the car yesterday, she said, “Here’s a yarn magazine, mom–I’m putting it in your yarn bag, ‘Kay?” “Okay,” I responded, trying not to crash the car and ogle what was coming out of the packages at the same time. So I didn’t see it until… Read More

Happy Yarnmas!

on December 7, 2008

Yeah–it’s a holiday, I know! It’s a surprise to me too! I had no idea, really, until I went out to check my mail and there was not just one surprise skein of yarn from a friend, but TWO!!! It was really a trip– I was on my way to Chicken’s insane soccer loss (12-0)… Read More

Help a sister out!

on December 6, 2008

Ismarah just asked for some suggestions for good knitting books for a lapsed knitter– my first two recommendations are: Yarn Harlot– Knitting Rules The Yarn Girls’ Guide to the Basics I’d especially like something like the Yarn Girls’ Guide to the Basics without quite the hefty price tag to recommend– the patterns really ARE basics–but… Read More

All things considered…

on December 6, 2008

It’s probably good I didn’t blog yesterday. Have you ever been so tired that your first response to EVERYTHING is melancholy? Yeah–that was me, yesterday. I was like a walking open nerve–my blog post would have read like one of those teen tragedy songs from the 50’s (Tell Laura I Looooooooooove her….) or a thirteen… Read More

In Which We All Get Schooled…

on December 4, 2008

By Ladybug, no less. I had to bring Ladybug to a staff meeting today–and the hilarity was not entirely unexpected, but very satisfying nonetheless. * Chapter 1–In which I pick Ladybug up late (because I was correcting papers since I had to be at school anyway.) The little booger beat me out the door– “Stop… Read More

Things I thought I could be a Grown-up About…

on December 2, 2008

But I just can’t. * The fact that someone stole my i-Pod from my desk on the Friday before Thanksgiving Break. (Pisses me off and hurts my feeling, every single time I think about it.) * Bringing home papers to grade over the break. (The cat LOVED them. Loved to SLEEP on them, that is!)… Read More