Happy Yarnmas!

Yeah–it’s a holiday, I know! It’s a surprise to me too!

I had no idea, really, until I went out to check my mail and there was not just one surprise skein of yarn from a friend, but TWO!!! It was really a trip– I was on my way to Chicken’s insane soccer loss (12-0) in the 40 degree foggy damp, and when I got there, I looked at my parcels in such enchantment, I actually missed three of the other team’s goals. (I guess if I’d missed our own goals this would have suggested bad mother-dom, but since the other team was making plenty of others, it was no big thing.)

So thank you, Ceri for the luscious merino/microfiber sundae, as well as the (oh joy oh joy–you have no idea how much I love these!!!) rip-mix cds!!! I’m so happy–it’s better than Christmas and such a surprise!!!

And thank you Michelle, for the hand dyed skein of sockyarn from this guy. (It’s a color somewhere between Cygnus and the red interpretation of Glacier Lake, with some more reds and pinks in it than either of those.) I like the guy’s story and his site, and the yarn is yummy and the thought behind it–lovely.

So seriously–the little kids are driving me apeshit–they’re an alpaca fiber away from being totally sick, but they’re also totally bored so sending them outside into the ice-fucking-cold is out of the question. I’ve got a stack of papers to grade–I’m so desperate that I’m taking them to MacDonalds to play in the little gym so I can grade shit– and although the unlimited bucket of diet coke is appealing, spending my Sunday doing that is not a whole lot of fun, and neither is surfing the net looking for a present for Chicken (a Twilight sweater) that’s going to take a quarter of her Christmas budget out of the coffers.

But I’m taking my yarn with me to McDonalds, so I can fondle it and coo at it, and dream of Christmas vacation, where we will spend marvelous hours together, making something lovely.

Thanks guys–and Happy Yarnmas to you too!!!

(Pictures later today, I think, after this good girl has done her many duties:-)

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