Recently Overheard in the Lane Mansion of Domestic Bliss

on June 15, 2010

Zoomboy to Chicken, while comparing the merits of Squish’s STORE BOUGHT stuffed canine to Chicken’s HAND MADE stuffed canine: “My wiener dog is longer than YOUR wiener dog!” Excuse me while I double over with laughter in order to pick my brain out of the gutter.

In a Springsteen sort of mood

on June 14, 2010

Now I am very aware that I’ve made my true and everlasting love for The Boss very well known here, but I thought, since it was a very lazy weekend (on my part– Mate and Chicken ran a 5K and did dance rehearsal) which featured a trip to see Karate Kid (but alas, not the… Read More

Things that rock my world…

on June 11, 2010

* This. This definitely rocked my world. Yummy guys? Yummy yummy hot guys? IN ANIME? *swoon* *thud* * Going to Zoomboy’s class to see his purty purty art. * Seeing Squish ‘adopted’ as class pet, because she was a ‘little sister’– even though she was almost as tall as a lot of the first graders…. Read More

Various shit…

on June 10, 2010

* Okay, I just started feeding my blog through Goodreads, so if you look at my page, you can see the blog highlight. And because of that, I actually (get this) HESITATED giving this post a swearword in the title. *shakes head* Seriously– like someone who reads my fiction is gonna be put off… Read More

Unmotivated, my fat ass!

on June 8, 2010

I’m getting used to reviews, both good and bad, so I couldn’t figure out why this one stuck in my craw with such jagged edges. The reviewer said that Cory, my heroine, was “dumpy and unmotivated,” and for some reason, it made me just want to reach through cyberspace and slap someone. I mean Cory… Read More

What I did tonight…

on June 6, 2010

First of all, it was kind of you to start placing bets on my ability to keep my sanity over the summer. Do I have to remind you all that we’ve done this before? I’ve already LOST my mind… it’s not like it’s going to get LOSTER just because I’m locked in the asylum with… Read More

Yay I have my summers… off?

on June 3, 2010

Squish and I have been home together for the last three days. She’s gonna kill me. Seriously–today, I had to take Big T to a dentists appointment (there was a lot of “Holy Cats! Has that kid grown?” Uhm, he must have– he’s TALLER THAN A FREAKIN’ TANK!) so I took her too. We seriously… Read More

Let the Knitting Begin!

on June 1, 2010

OKay– first, for the feed… tomorrow IS June Second, Phonebook should be available from Dreamspinner tomorrow. “Phonebook” is actually a short story sequel to another short story. “Shirt” appeared in the Curious Anthology and featured two lovers–Scotty and Ryan– who had a rather surprising moment when Ryan got tangled up in his oxford shirt…. Read More