And Now You Know

on April 11, 2018

Was a good work day today, and I was working along when I got this text from ZB: Now I know what TSE is. Me: ??? ZB: Testicular Self Examination Me: Uh, good to know ZB: Taking notes was like writing an adult novel Me: Lucky you! ZB: You’re supposed to take a bath first… Read More

A Very Seasonal Duck –A Pierce and Hal Road Trip Story

on April 10, 2018

Okay, so I promised my editor a whole bunch of these by June– so far, I’ve got three, and I want the boys home before I turn them in to Lynn, so let’s go to Hal’s parents, shall we? *  *  * Pierce had to admit–Hal’s parents’ place was pretty damned intimidating. The long drive… Read More

Cramp Ragnarok

on April 9, 2018

Okay, so menopause is around the corner–I am officially a peri-menopausal hag. At least I hope that’s what’s going on. I mean, I’ve had cramps before but the last two months?  Brutal. I had one last Sunday that sucked away half my day. First there was the, “Oh, hey, this feels like a REALLY LONG… Read More

Going Under!

on April 6, 2018

So Squish’s birthday is this week– tomorrow is her party, we’re taking her and her friends out to dinner and a movie, and it’s not much, but it’s all she’s wanted.   She’s such a lovely kid. We picked out her cake today–as always she went for the unusual choice of blue/purple/green frosting (it looks… Read More

Squishy Stories

on April 4, 2018

So, by the time your kid gets to be 12, there are some stories you just tell by rote, because those are the ones that seem to define your child. Squishy has always been my dessert baby. She is beautiful, smart, easy to be around, and almost unbearably sweet. She grew up in the back… Read More

Happy Easter Kermit Flail!

on April 2, 2018

YAYAYAYYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!! Okay, so I know it’s cliche to say “count your blessings” but this week really did show me I was blessed. For starters, when I told everybody I was really tired and a little wrung out, I got nothing but support–thank you all. You were so kind. I took a mild social media break… Read More

April Fool’s Easter

on April 2, 2018

Hey all– Happy April Fool’s Easter!  Most of you saw DSP’s April Fool’s joke (hint–I did NOT write a book titled Swanky Spanky!) and while some of you were missing the BDSM, most of you caught on that maybe–just maybe–this wasn’t Amy’s thing, and enjoyed the moment. I’m glad.  I’m not a great practical joker… Read More