Some Promotions are Good For the Soul

on May 3, 2019

So, I’ve discovered as I progress that I’m actually not an island. I am, in fact, part of a NUMBER of writing organizations–and I’ve been blessed. So two of my groups have promotions going on and I thought I’d talk about them. The PRG– The Paranormal Romance Guild is having a membership drive in May–and… Read More

Ass Deep In Alligators–a riff

on May 1, 2019

Okay, so the number of things I’m working on is outnumbered only by the number of things I SHOULD be working on but can’t get to. A. Editing Fish 4 B. Finishing Fall Games C. Writing the class for Fiction Haiku D. Answering an e-mail that’s two weeks overdue E. (laughs hysterically) Newsletter that’s six… Read More