Okay– first things first. The first thing is that
Talker’s Graduation is coming out on Wednesday. This is possibly the last of the series–I know that my publisher (who loves me!) is going to release all three novellas in a complete volume, and in paperback too, and I will be thrilled to hold it in my hands. I also know that these stories–short as they are–have had a peculiar, haunting effect on the people who read them. They are devoured, people love them–but they continuously ask for more. I love that, n a way. There is something so simple about Tate and Brian. Tate is broken, Brian will protect him, and that is the extent of their world. Even in this last installment, in which Brian finds his voice and Talker finds his peace, that dynamic endures. I’m so glad that resonates with people. Sometimes it’s the simplest relationships that are truly the most poignant, and I think that’s where the heart of these three stories really beats. The world may be complex and terrifying, but the relationship between the two guys is as simple, true, and wholesome as it gets. I hope people love this last book–I hope that like Talker, they find some peace at the end of this, and some joy for the boys’ future.
Oh– and don’t forget to enter the contest at Chris’s site,
Stumbling Over Chaos, to get a free e-book copy of Talker’s Graduation. I think there may also be another giveaway at
Cup Of Porn next week, and I’ll let you know about that one too! (I’m guest blogging over there on Wednesday– something about setting and why I set everything in my own crappy backyard!)

The next thing in book news is the freebie on the Dreamspinner Press site. If you go to the paperback book page for A Solid Core of Alpha, you will find a Gary the Gargoyle door knocker. Press ol’ Gary there, and you will find a little free story of mine. (There are 31 stories placed throughout the website from various authors. You have to look at the authors’ products– ALL OF THEM–to find each story.) It’s sort of a little sequel to the story below, It’s Not Shakespeare, which comes out in November, but it can be read alone. It actually functions VERY well as a teaser, and it’s called, “You Can’t Make an Omelet…” I just found out that we’re going to add the story to the end of the e-book, which makes me very very happy–but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t read it now. For one thing, it’s about Halloween, and it gives some very good pointers about how NOT to get your house egged– always VERY valuable, right? Oh yeah… one more thing…

Advent Calendar is out. For right now, you can buy all twenty-six of the Advent Calendar stories for a reduced price, and have them added to your e-mail box once a day from the first of December onward, OR you can buy the stories you want. My particular story looks an AWFUL lot like this–except we changed the font. I love this picture–and if you look on “Excerpt” under the Advent Calendar link you will see the blurb and that’s fun too. So, well, a whole lot of stuff, right? *whew* Excellent. At least when I say I’m busy, everyone has reason to believe me!
And, well, that’s about all in book news! This weekend is another round of… well… everything. Soccer games and family shit and maybe cleaning the house. October is already a quarter of the way over… and it’s not showing signs of slowing down!
Thanks for the mention! 🙂
YAY more books/stories!!!!!!
You've been busy! Who has time to breathe?
Loved James and Rafi !!! Thanks Amy! The world is a better place for having your stories(and you) in it. Keep up the good work…now i must go see if i can find some more gargoyles!