And then I crashed the cart…

The day at the zoo was really awesome.  We learned about Aye-Ayes (so sad!) and saw the lemurs groom and watched a hippo-po-tom-atus completely lose his shit.  I shall give you pictures and captions, a-cause I have a fourth edit (there will be between five and six this November, if anyone wonders why my pace on NANOWRIMO is a wee bit sluggish) and a blog tour to write, in addition to more Jeremy Bunny who is, btw, breaking my frickin’ heart.  
But anyway… I thought first I’d tell you what a wonderful daughter I have.  
Chicken is awesome.  She and I get along very well pop-culturally, and she sends me things like THIS.   In particular, she sends me stuff like THIS while I am IN THE GROCERY STORE.  
And while I was gawping at THIS (and geawd, it just does not GET any less pretty, does it?) a nice man drove his little cart by, saying, “Are you looking at your grocery list on your phone?”
“Nnunoooo…”  I stuttered.  “My daughter just sent me a picture of a very pretty boy, and I’m recovering.”
The man rolled his eyes and snorted.  “Girls,” he said.  “That’s girls.”
Well, yeah.  But I’m sure if someone sent a Playboy Bunny to flash across his windscreen, he’d crash his cart too.
  For the kids, the trip down to the zoo
 was as much fun as the Zoo itself.  

We called the black and white Lemurs “Steve lemurs for
obvious reasons.

Look at that!  Isn’t it fascinating!  Trust me– whatever it was,
it was all fascinating.

Mate said, “Look– he’s trying to hide!”  I thought that was

Multicolored mandrill butt.
Let the commentary commence.

Zoomboy was self-acknowledged
“King of the world!”

The thing about this series of pictures

is that they were taken sequentially.

This hippo was not only PISSED THE FUCK OFF, 

He was moving at “outtamywaybitch!” speed.

We’re not sure if he wanted his food, or if he’d fucking had it

with all the frickin’ people, or even if this was celebratory–

Maybe he was just in a good mood.

But somehow, we don’t thinks so.  If you ever see a hippo
charging in the wild?  GET THE HELL OUTTA IT’S WAY!
There is no way to take a bad picture of kids on the beach
at sunset.  It’s all beautiful, ephemeral, and joyous.

Of course the funny part was, just before these pictures were taken, I said, “Okay kids, don’t get too wet or too dirty, and we can go have a sit down dinner!”  Yeah.  We ate Taco Bell while they huddled naked and half naked in the backseat of the minivan, covered in sweaters.

I don’t think they minded, do you?

And this was Zoomboy’s souvenir.
We think he chose well.
And this is what I missed out on– Bent Con, which, from all accounts, was a blast.  (*waves wildly to Little Vampires people*)  Sorry I missed it guys–but I think I was where I was supposed to be 🙂

0 thoughts on “And then I crashed the cart…”

  1. Heh. I pretty much always take at minimum a change of clothes for everybody if there's even half a chance we might go to the beach. My kids are magnetically drawn to the water no matter the time of year (& I can't say I blame them; my favorite time to go is a nice rainy February day).

  2. Donna Lee says:

    The hippo cage looks like something designed to keep in the raptors in Jurassic Park. I've heard that they are as dangerous as lions and are very fast.

    I'm glad they are not native to NJ.

  3. roxie says:

    Kids on he beach at sunset – magnificent! Pissed off hippo rampage – awesome! Shy rhino, hiding behind fence pole – I'm still snickering. What a splendid day with the family. That's where you should have been.

  4. Kim Fielding says:

    Fun weekend! For some reason, we've never made it to the SF zoo.

    I love that your daughter sends you pretty boys. My 14-year-old ships Dean/Castiel. And she's stuck home with my husband while I'm 9 time zones away, and she sends me sad texts because he just doesn't understand the perfection that is Destiel.

  5. Kim Fielding says:

    Fun weekend! For some reason, we've never made it to the SF zoo.

    I love that your daughter sends you pretty boys. My 14-year-old ships Dean/Castiel. And she's stuck home with my husband while I'm 9 time zones away, and she sends me sad texts because he just doesn't understand the perfection that is Destiel.

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