A Trip to Modesto

on July 18, 2011

Okay, I often complain that all of my friends are online–and it’s true. I do tend to live a lot of my life on the little glowing box in the kitchen, or, now, in the smaller red glowing box in my purse. (Mate bought me a new one before I went to Florida–it’s an evil,… Read More

Took a little nappy pooh…

on July 15, 2011

Woke up and it was Friday! Seriously– I was WIPED OUT. But I’m back again, and feeling almost human. Let’s see… has anything REALLY big happened in the last four days? *** This came out. It’s free, it’s short, and it’s definitely NOT SAFE FOR WORK. But did I mention the free? Anyway–what else? ***… Read More

Cover Art and Some Good Advice

on July 12, 2011

I’m short three, and two of them don’t have the title artwork done yet–but pretty much, I think I’ve got an embarrassment of riches here. What’s up here is the collective cover art of the work that I’ve released from January on until October and probably (the beach cover, which is the one I was… Read More

Crashing Deadlines! DUCK!

on July 9, 2011

Yup. I know. I haven’t been around a lot this last week. Oi! You would not BELIEVE the deadline crash in my head and on my computer! I used to think “Oh, hey, you can juggle anything as long as you can do it at home!” Oh gees–the hubris! Seriously–man, the hubris! For one thing,… Read More

The Prodigal Returns

on July 7, 2011

So he’s home, and he’s happy, and here’s a picture of him in our crappy kitchen. I’m so proud. Apparently he was the chaperone’s dream– he was the kid that got stuck with the nightmare roommate (the one whose conditions were all medicated acronyms, and who had to be looked for at three in the… Read More

Living Promises

on July 3, 2011

Is out. Of course, my timing is impeccable–without meaning to, I’ve probably just insulted the entire reviewing community. For those of you who have reviewed work in the past, just from the heart– I wasn’t talking to you! Swear! But I don’t want to talk about yesterday’s post– I had my Les Mis at the… Read More

Showing Not Telling

on July 2, 2011

Okay– once again I have seen something that has ticked me off, not in and of itself, but as the final moment of text on top of the pile that sends the whole thing cascading down like a slippery, irritating mountain of old typewriter ribbon, showering down in a vitriolic rain. I’ll admit it– the… Read More

A little bit of summer…

on June 30, 2011

Okay, it is true. I’ve set myself an impossible deadline, I’ve got a HUGE release (and not the dirty, euphemistic kind either) on July 4th, and I’m stressing big time. Which means that the time I spend at the pool is more important than ever, because it is time when the kids have my immediate… Read More

The Birth of KPR

on June 27, 2011

Okay– I’m sorry I left the book cover post up for so long, but, well, a sort of amazing number of people were hitting on hit from Goodreads. It was sort of frickin’ amazing. I lost my head for a minute–my apologies. Anyway, first, let us do a family update. Zoomboy is climbing the walls,… Read More

We Haz Cover Art!

on June 24, 2011

Yup. Living Promises will be out on July 4th– and I’m SO relieved to have my cover art! I’m showing the sketch and the finished work, because the mud puddle is pretty amazing, and, well, because Collin’s hair became more Collin-like in the second one. I like it. I’ll post the blurb in a minute,… Read More