The Kids are All Right

on October 15, 2010

I got an opportunity to go swimming to day, which would have been sort of cool, except, hello, it was OCTOBER! I went anyway, but the miserable heat this late in the year is worrying–I mean, yes, we know global warming exists, but there’s nothing like having our noses rubbed in it, right? The big… Read More

Guarding the Vampire’s Ghost

on October 12, 2010

Now, some of you might remember this as “The Adrian Story” or “Adrian and the Angels”. I wrote it about a year ago, semi-inspired by the Dreamspinner anthology call, “A Brush of Wings”. The story was about 8,000 words too long, though, and then that whole Liquid Silver debacle occurred wherein, I sent them this… Read More

For once, the dragon lost…

on October 11, 2010

Hmmm… list of things that happened between Wednesday and today: * Jury duty–I ALMOST got sat on a trial, but, well, the prosecutor seemed to think I oozed sympathy for the defendant (he was VERY young) and for the predicament (I am VERY pro-marijuana legalization) and, well, I was peremptorily discharged. *sigh* I really wanted… Read More

Of Course It Gets Better

on October 9, 2010

Okay, one of the things I never wanted to delude myself with was the idea that I write “important” books. For the longest time, as I was working on Vulnerable, I called it “my trashy vampire mystery”, and referred to my work as “writing dirty books,” semi-facetiously, and a little self-consciously. “I can do better,”… Read More

Not Quite Climbing the Walls

on October 7, 2010

So, guess who realized that our hallway is REALLY REALLY NARROW? But hey– at least they understand an opportunity when they see it. I mean, when else can you climb the walls literally, right? Yeah, yeah, weak joke, I know it, but I’m feeling a might snarly at the moment. I’m undergoing my quatre-yearly estrogen/plasma… Read More

Vainglorious Prickweenies: Redux

on October 5, 2010

OKay– wrapping up some business first! 1. I’m going to be interviewed here, and one of the cool things about that is that Wave solicits questions from readers beforehand. I’ll post it when she does, and anyone who wants to put me on the barbie and grill me like a trout will have her day!… Read More

Free Books!

on October 2, 2010

Okay– I’m not giving any away, but Rainbow books (Home of that pretty icon on my last post) is, and If I Must is available for free download tomorrow, so I thought I’d bring it up. Now don’t ask how my birthday went, because really, although it was the exact anniversary of my birth, it… Read More

10:11 pm

on September 30, 2010

OKay–let’s see if I can get this right. This is an e-book store that is offering a 20% discount next weekend (I think!) and since this page feeds to, I thought I’d offer it up. Now watch me completely forget to offer it up on the weekend in question, right? We all know it…. Read More

Good Morning, World!

on September 27, 2010

Yeah–it’s been a few days–sorry about that! Not only were things pretty busy around here with the B-day madness (and it was even small madness, mostly) but I was busy with The WIP That Kicked My Ass, and once I was done with THAT, well, I just sort of declared yesterday The Day Without The… Read More


on September 23, 2010

Chicken. Chicken is sixteen years old tomorrow. She is tough, smart, independent, vulnerable, and beautiful. When she was born, I walked into the hospital nearly eight centimeters dilated–and she shot across the stainless steel table like a watermelon seed being squished across the counter. This is only notable because we were uncertain as to her… Read More