Happy December 28th…

on December 28, 2009

Such a sad day, really. It’s Monday, so Mate’s getting back to work, and I’ve completely forgotten what it’s like to have a day off where he doesn’t figure. Last week, we took the big kids shopping at the mall (hateful place–not as hateful as the mall where a partially finished hat W/some lovely Hiya-Hiya… Read More


on December 27, 2009

(If I Must is on sale on the amazon.com Kindle. If anyone feels like logging on and giving it a review, it wouldn’t be quite so lonely among the other Amy Lane books. I mean c’mon… doesn’t that kitten look lonely?) Seriously– it’s there on the Kindle–I didn’t think it would be. If you want… Read More

Good Day…

on December 25, 2009

Okay–I’m sure I’ll have lots and lots of stories tomorrow, but today, I’ll leave you with this: At my parents house, as everybody was simply gathering and chattering and catching up, we became aware that the volume level was significantly up from where it should be. Then we became aware that ZoomBoy was singing “The… Read More

Lane Lunacy, Christmas Style

on December 24, 2009

Heard recently in the Lane household–most often in the car: Mate (after sipping from the wrong cup from the cupholder in the front of the car): Yeah– what’s IN there? Me (eyes bugging in horror): “GUM!” Mate (choking back laughter): “Mmmmminty!” *** Chicken (wide eyed and ironic): “Yeah, Zoomboy– if you don’t believe in Santa,… Read More

Let the holidays commence…

on December 22, 2009

Three things have happened to officially kick off this year’s holiday season… shall we hear? Thing the first: Mate and I had a movie date–and that needs some talking about. I spend relentless hours explaining to students the difference between an archetype and a cliche. An archetype is a form, a story or character or… Read More

In Which Things Return Somewhat To Normal

on December 19, 2009

Okay– first of all, I have discovered the ultimate in muggle deception, the zenith in instant gratification yarning, the absolute perfection in homemade gifts to make when you have a reputation for homemade gifts and your family has moved your deadline by five days. Are you ready for this? It’ll blow your minds: Ladies (and… Read More

*sigh* This isn’t the post I had in mind…

on December 18, 2009

Okay–I actually visited like five blogs today–but my damned work firewall wouldn’t let me comment… I’ll try and take care of that tomorrow, just know I’m still checking up on you–ME LOVE MY E-BUDDIES! And in other news…My first review as a non-indie pro. Not bad. I’ll have to improve upon it, but not bad…. Read More

Can’t write, I’m writing.

on December 17, 2009

Seriously– I was writing the Christmas letter. The weird part? It feels like a blog, except I use everybody’s real names. And I can’t swear. And I refer to my work with Dreamspinner Press as “niche romance” for the benefit of Mate’s extremely religious conservative family in New Mexico. And I didn’t mention Supernatural once…. Read More

Thank You.

on December 15, 2009

Okay–my day was crap. The Monday before finals is ALWAYS crap. Too many kids saying “Why, oh why, did you fail me for not doing jack shit for two months. Why didn’t you TELL me my F was so bad!” It’s often either that or, “What crappy job can I do on a small assignment… Read More

Real Post

on December 12, 2009

We’ll start with the good stuff. * The other day in (go figure!) second period, my student– the loud one, the one I’ve sent to the office but who is always trying, walked up to the board and write a quote. “Ms. Lane, Ms. Lane– lookit this– it’s a quote from music… what do you… Read More