Comfort Where We Can…

on August 24, 2020

So, the state of the world right now…  Don’t get me started.  But there I was, last week, pondering on it all, when I went to Michael’s and came back with yarn.  And felt stupid. And then Mate said something about more yarn. And I felt defensive. And then I went online to Michael’s– and… Read More

A little bravery

on August 21, 2020

So I’m not often courageous–but I do get pissed off. I was at the grocery store, talking to my friendly neighborhood grocery clerk through plexiglass, both of us wearing masks. Didn’t matter–we could tell we were smiling by our eyes. Chicken was off getting tortillas because I’d forgotten them, and I was paying for my… Read More

Blackberry Bush Blues

on August 17, 2020

 I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned this before–certainly not in recent years. My first kiss was behind the pool house with a complete stranger in the sixth grade. He said he could teach me how to dive and we’d been flirting the whole day and he pulled me around to the back, and there were… Read More

Shifting Stuff Around

on August 11, 2020

 I’m not even going to take pictures, because it’s so frustrating. What’s happening is this: For many years, Chicken and Big T had their own rooms, and the “little kids” shared a room. For WAY too long after the big kids moved out, we used Big T’s room as a storage room and Chicken’s room… Read More

A Harmless Obsession

on August 8, 2020

First of all, I’d like to say I hurt myself in the most stupid, middle-aged way possible on the planet.  That’s right, folks–I cramped my hand while playing on my phone while, uhm, ensconced on the throne, as it were.  And it wasn’t just an, “Oh, ouch–a few stretches, some ibuprofen,” kind of cramp. It… Read More

Kermit Flail–We Made it to August–YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!

on August 3, 2020

YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA!!! WHEW! Well, to say it’s been an odd summer would be… an understatement. Some of you may be reading this on my website, because FaceBook did a VERY odd thing, and, well, what can I say– we improvise,  right? (Also, at the last moment as I was typing this up on blogger, blogger decided it… Read More

The Dentist

on August 1, 2020

The kids had–and this was a surprise!– a dentist appointment this week. The dentist office was really good– took our temperatures outside (I was actually around 99.7 which means, I think, I have another ear infection–I get them a lot) and then let me sit in the lobby since I was the only one there… Read More

Times They Keep Changing

on July 29, 2020

  I’m proofing a bookthat I wrote overa year and a half ago– Crafting Category Romance: The Art and Science of Fiction Haiku–and one of the things that’s apparent is that a lot has changed in Romancelandia since the book was written.  The book is in proofing, like I said, so it can be announced… Read More

Venues and Vicissitudes

on July 25, 2020

Okay– so FaceBook, being the pile of garbage that it can be–has banned my blog as abusive.  I don’t know the qualifications of that–I mean, I’ve called the president some pretty nasty things here, but mostly, it’s kids and dogs and knitting and books, so maybe it’s something else. A troll, a hater–doesn’t matter. FaceBook,… Read More

Shortbread and Shadows is Now Out!

on July 21, 2020

Shortbread and Shadows by Amy Lane I love paranormal romance and urban fantasy. (Yes, there’s a difference–it’s important, trust me.) The first series I ever talked about on this blog was the Little Goddess series, and the second one was Bitter Moon–and I miss that touch of magic so much. This book is paranormal romance–it’s… Read More