Well, filk you too!

on June 1, 2009

I was filking around on the amazon.com forum again, and this came out! Enjoy! Ode to a pet My dog is getting hella oldMy kid’s rat has a big lumpThe old cat likes to sleep on meThe young cat likes to jumpWe’ve had fancy mice and guinea pigsDead hamsters, rats, and fishBut every kid since… Read More

Quirky, Odd, Random Thoughts

on May 31, 2009

Thought the first: It’s funny–after the post about the gun, I’ve heard from two people who said, “Did you call the police and report the gun anonymously?” Now, I’d like to say, “I thought of that, but since I looked at the kid and there aren’t a lot of people my size/shape/coloring wandering the neighborhood,… Read More

On a lighter note…

on May 30, 2009

Just so that last post doesn’t stick with you for too long, I thought I’d tell you that for the last ten minutes, Spaznado boy has been bringing his teddy bears to me from the living room, one at a time. “This one has a sore leg, bear doctor–fix him. Wait, doctor–you forgot her! You… Read More

Deep, Dark, Heavy Thoughts

on May 29, 2009

So, I went off to my walk tonight wondering what I was going to post about, and wishing something exciting had happened to me and mine in the last two days to make the choice easier. Wish granted! Now, it’s getting close to the end of the school year, when I stop walking and start… Read More

Three Letters, Sent Today

on May 27, 2009

To the big, furry, black, scary arachnid that walked across my wall today: Dear Spider: I must be honest–if you hadn’t shown up in the middle of my 3rd period for the first time they were on task all fucking year, I might not have been quite as vicious. As it was, you freaked out… Read More


on May 26, 2009

(*whew* I’m SO glad I’m done with the archetype shit… it looks like you guys are done with it too!) Sunday, I went out to do the laundry, and Spaznado boy followed me. And that’s when he saw *IT*. “Mooommmmm…” “What sweetheart.” “Can I have that *BOX*?” (Can you hear the eyes the sizes of… Read More

Archetypes Part 4: Assorted Shit I forgot to wrap up

on May 24, 2009

I’ve got family stories to tell, actually, but I promised I’d wrap this up and I hate to leave shit hanging. I’ll try and post the family stories tomorrow–they’re worth remembering:-) The points that many of you brought up, as well as the ones I made to Ilona Andrews are important enough to recap, and… Read More

Dreaming in Poetry, Writing in Twitter

on May 22, 2009

* Watching five year olds squaredance is highly amusing. My son is all hands and elbows–and he never goes in the right direction. * The line for refreshments at Open House moved by attrition–but cavetroll HAD to have his pizza. * The animal he made out of clay was a seven-legged bright yellow starfish. Too… Read More

Lady Cory’s Punk Goth Brocade

on May 21, 2009

Okay–I will wrap up the archetype thing, probably this weekend–there’s not too much more to say, but some of the comments were so awesome, and my reply to Ilona Andrews brought up some interesting points, and, in general, I need to pull my scrambled brains back into the shell and see if I can’t make… Read More

Yikes! My apologies to Ilona Andrews

on May 18, 2009

Sory darlin’ –you’re absolutely right. Kate Daniels really hasn’t garnered that spot under the Gothic Heroic archetype yet–she’s still an American Romantic. And, of course, the ‘having sex’ thing is an oversimplification–what the sexual relationship represents (in this case) is the door to complete personhood that allows a hero/heroine to fall. Until women got their… Read More