Apologies to Aimee Mann…

on October 15, 2007

(And it’s long gone buddy, long gone buddy good bye…) I’m so red-eyed tired right now I can’t even remember the lyrics of that song–and, like Aimee Mann is the reason I’m Amy Lane! But that’s another story. See, the thing is, the engine light on the Lane-family crap-mobile went on, and I had Mate… Read More

Fucking cat…

on October 13, 2007

You see what that is, right? The second Chicken Toes sock, attached to what used to be a skein of my least favorite On-line color ever. It is now yarn barf. I find the irony of spending this much time looking at a color I don’t like (I chose it in case I didn’t like… Read More

Apologies To The First Bruce…

on October 11, 2007

(Seen a man on the ro-oad…and a dead dog in the sun…) Not a very auspicious beginning is it? And I know I’m going to mangle the rest of the lyrics–I can sing them just fine when my ipod’s on, but when it’s just me and my own twisted brain, I combine like four different… Read More

How Did I Get Here?

on October 10, 2007

First of all, I think you will all be both relieved and heartened that I sucked it up, snagged a monster pile of referrals, did a massive room re-org and started Tuesday (Writing Prompt Day) off with twenty minutes of silence in which to write. I have no idea how well they did–I was planning… Read More

Love songs suck and fairy tales aren’t true…

on October 8, 2007

The title actually has nothing to do with the post, but it’s a song by Bowling for Soup that I totally adore, and since I can’t shake it, I’ll just share… (I especially like the line ‘she’s all I can think about/so I must not be gay/she’s my lunatic/I’m her psychopath’–doesn’t that sound like a… Read More

Books and such…

on October 6, 2007

Okay– I freely admit that I probably paid for Amazon.com’s free upgrade, and the depressing thing is, it feels like I never actually have time to actually READ the things I buy. But, one trip to the john after another, I have wrapped up a few titles here, which I’ll share. But I warn you–I… Read More


on October 5, 2007

In no particular order, I would like to announce the following: *Roxie liked the rough draft. I can breathe my first “It might not suck” breath for…well I’m still stressing over the first one, so that won’t work. I can just add another sweet little wedge to that booster seat under my confidence. Thanks, sweetheart,… Read More


on October 2, 2007

Okay, to get the full irony of this, we need to flash backwards about 5 years. I’m at work. In the bathroom. Now our work bathroom is annexed by the actual staff room–it’s great. You sit down, hork back a lean cuisine, get up, walk ten paces, shut and lock the door (we hope–I did… Read More

‘Nuff Said…

on October 1, 2007

Oh–and the second regret? I regret that I left that brand new skein of Kaffe Fassett Regia Sock Stretch out, because the kitten was none too pleased to be left alone all weekend.

One for the road…

on September 28, 2007

Well, sometime this weekend, Mate and I will turn 40 (I rarely know what day it is…I’m thinking it’s Sunday for me and MOnday for Mate, but I’m never sure…) and I’m tired enough and worried enough about the *now* that the passage of time–both behind and before–is not bothering me. Wait until Ladybug starts… Read More