Oh geez, REALLY?

on January 17, 2019

Kids are, as you know, a mixed blessing. Today was more mixed than most. This morning Chicken came over to walk my parents’ dog, Max. Max is the mellowest, most awesome, most amazing old dog in the world, and Chicken went to the squishy part of the park so she could throw him a ball… Read More

All Small Dogs Are Assholes

on January 16, 2019

So I took Guest Dog Gibbs in for a checkup today–just the ordinary vet thing. We needed to put her on a health plan (cha-ch$ng!) and get her checked out–and pay for a nail clip. Her front nails were getting out of hand. It turns out that the kneecaps of her back legs are displaced–… Read More


on January 15, 2019

Okay, so we were watching an old episode of Supernatural, featuring a scary baby, and ZoomBoy produced a meme featuring a baby with demon black eyes that said, “I’m totally in love with my baby, but I wish he’d stop saying ‘This human form is so limiting.’” Yes, I laughed my ass off, why? Anyway–it… Read More

SuperBat– Batman’s Hot Cousin, Part 3

on January 14, 2019

Hi all! I’d say it was a quiet weekend, but I finished Bunny and the Money Man–book one of a Dreamspun Desire series called Search and Rescue–and I made it under deadline. I mean, yes, Squish had indoor soccer, and we went out for burgers, but most of my weekend was finishing that book! Now… Read More

A trip to the dentist…

on January 11, 2019

So, we have a new dentist and he’s pretty awesome and we love him a lot. But, well, a trip to the dentist is a trip to the dentist. This one was to get a crown replaced, which is almost worse than getting the original put in because they have to take the first one… Read More

Ten Signs I’m Getting Older

on January 10, 2019

Yes, yes, I know I passed the big 50 last year, but it hadn’t really set in, you know? I mean, I’m still young, right? Chicken says I seem younger than I am–I always thought that was the benefit of natural immaturity.  But it seems age has snuck up on me with all the grace… Read More

A Good Change

on January 9, 2019

So, some of you know that I started blogging long before I started blogging. Part of it was when Mate was working and going to school and I was alone with Big T and Chicken when they were in diapers. I would save up kid stories to tell him on his one day off, so… Read More

Kermit Flail– HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!

on January 7, 2019

YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY! Whew! I mean WOW! It has been some holiday season! And the NewYear is shaping up to be positively sizzling in the romance department–I mean this lineup is TRULY amazing! First up is the STUNNING, LOVELY, and HILARIOUS Ms. E.J. Russell, with my favorite motif– the demon with a heart of gold!  She leads… Read More

SuperBat–Batman’s Hot Cousin Part 2

on January 4, 2019

So, it’s the lazy part of winter break, where the kids play all the games and chill all they want, and I go out of my mind because there is SOMEBODY THERE all the time. Mate and I are going on a date tomorrow night–that’s exciting. Anyway– it’s time for some SuperBat–and I feel dumb… Read More

SuperBat–Batman’s Hot Cousin

on January 2, 2019

I hope you all had a Happy New Year! Ours was simple– ZoomBoy went to a friends and Squish stayed with Mate and I, watched comforting television, drank sparkling cider, and watched the ball drop. Happy New Year! But sometimes, having an uneventful holiday is the best thing in the world–and in this case, I… Read More