We Did Survive…

on April 2, 2017

First of all, we determined Squish had allergies–so the birthday party was a go.  Thing is, if we had put off the party from this weekend, she would have been celebrating her birthday around May 15th, and that would have majorly sucked. The snot wasn’t communicable, we pumped her full of Sudafed–it’s the American way…. Read More

A little worried because…

on March 31, 2017

Okay… so Squish’s b-day party is supposed to be Saturday night. We’ve bought 80’s decorations, and have been cleaning the house all week and the kids are so excited, and they’ve been working so hard… And she was sick today. I had to keep her home because she had a fever. So everybody keep your… Read More

Coming Soon

on March 30, 2017

So, first of all, I have a revised blog tour right here, and I think we have all the links! March 17–MM Book ReviewsMarch 24 – Divine MagazineMarch 24–Grave TellsMarch 27 – Scattered Thoughts and Rogue WordsMarch 27 – The Novel ApproachMarch 28 – Alpha Book ClubMarch 29 – Love BytesMarch 30 – Gay Book ReviewsMarch… Read More

Uhm… tada?

on March 29, 2017

So, I had a series of e-mails with my editor and beta reader today. “I’m almost done. Can it be 65K?” “No! 60K.” “I think that could work. Maybe I can do a novella afterward. Would that be okay?” “Sure. Not a problem.” “Okay. So, by the end of this week.” I had the same… Read More

Another Post With My Eyes Shut

on March 28, 2017

Note: This post was started last night, but I fell asleep four times so I decided to finish it today!  Sorry! *  As I was walking the dogs yesterday we approached a nice man with a sweet looking black lab on a leash. “Don’t worry,” he said genially. “He won’t bite. He’s a sweetheart.” “Well… Read More

The Weekend Wrap Up

on March 27, 2017

Where does the damned weekend go? Seriously. *  Walk the dogs in the park * Take Squish to soccer * Drop her and Zoomboy off where Chicken is babysitting for Berry Jello * Look at Mate in surprise because, uh, SURPRISE! we have the afternoon together * Go out to dinner *  Watch a movie… Read More

Bonfires–RELEASE DAY!!!

on March 24, 2017

Heya– So, I’m sorry I missed last night. Our thermostat broke, and it’s WEIRD how living in 60 degrees tires you out when you’re not expecting it. Also, I really need to wash my hair.  (This is normally not a problem, but it was raining when I usually go to the pool, and then FREEZING… Read More

A Family Mishegas…

on March 22, 2017

So… the kids were in a joint choir production tonight– their district divides up into two parts, and each part has a joint choir performance on a separate night. It’s pretty impressive– high schools, middle schools, and grade schools all give separate performances and then join together for one song. We really enjoyed last year’s… Read More

Amy’s Disease of the Week

on March 21, 2017

So, I’m writing Sammy. For those of you who have read The Virgin Manny (and there’s a surprising number of you) you may remember Sammy– he was the fractious, hurt little boy that Channing needed a manny for at the beginning of the book. Now, in Manny Get Your Guy, Sammy is seventeen, and he’s… Read More

Things I did on my weekend….

on March 20, 2017

I edited Quickening. Wrote some blog tour materials for Bonfires.  Worked on the third story in the Mannies series. Took ZoomBoy to a birthday party at the skating rink while his sister was playing soccer. Read this hysterically funny and really disturbing book. Totally envied my dominatrix diva sloth cat. And went to the library… Read More