Freckles–Blog Tour

on November 13, 2016

T our Titles:  Freckles Okay, guys– I have written ten posts on this tour–and of course there’s a giveaway.  But mostly, there’s funny adorable dog stories for anyone who follows the blog on a regular basis. In short, if you wanted more dirt on Geoffie and Johnnie, this is the place to get it.  So… Read More

“I’d cut his throat in a church…”

on November 11, 2016

The line is from Hamlet–I forget the act and scene, but it’s Laertes. Claudius has asked the young man what he would do to avenge his father, and this is Laertes’s answer. Pretty hardcore, right? You gotta admire a young man with convictions. And also, contrasted to Hamlet’s actual actions, both far more humane, and… Read More


on November 10, 2016

Okay– we’re all tired and sad, but I’ve seen us trying to cheer each other up too. I’ve got a couple of links here that helped me stop sobbing this morning. (I am not kidding about this–I now have that sort of headachy insomnia that comes from being in tears or on the brink of… Read More

Squish and Politics

on November 9, 2016

I almost can’t tell this story, because it hurts too much. But it’s a hopeful story too, so I’m going to go with that. Squish and I are now the only two people in the car in the morning. (And the dogs, of course.)  It used to be Zoomboy, Big T and I–we’d drop T… Read More

Kermit Flail–November Style!

on November 7, 2016

YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!! We have quite a selection here ladies and gents–all the November goodness your e-reader needs! Elizabeth Noble presents book five in her Circles series, Andrea Speed ventures into the shadows (where she’s most comfortable;-) with Hearts of Darkness, J.T. Rogers makes an awesome debut with a spy thriller, and the amazing and kind Aisling… Read More

The stages of a blog tour…

on November 6, 2016

If I start to sound a little brief and distracted on the blog in the next week, it’s because I’m actually promoting two books this month– Freckles and Summer Lessons.  That being said, I am currently writing blogs in the morning for my blog tours, and then writing in the evening for Nanowrimo. So, yeah…. Read More


on November 4, 2016

The first time someone told me they did this, I was stunned and flabbergasted–and a little embarrassed. The second time someone said this, I wanted to hide under a bed. By the third time, I was a teeny bit proud and still baffled. I remain at the baffled stage. What I’m talking about is deconstructing… Read More

Squish’s Zinger

on November 3, 2016

Okay– first listen to the commercial clip–it’s important to the story. Second, we do live in a family for smartasses. Squishy has been dying to join our ranks, but humor isn’t always the easiest thing in the world. Today, she has achieved her first steps into adult smatassery, and it was beautiful. Per usual, Gordie… Read More

Look, I Made a Thing!

on November 2, 2016

Yes, it’s late at night so I’m going to pretend I’m a knitting blog (which is sort of what I set out to be, given that I wrote one book a year then, and I had a newborn) and showcase “things”. One of the things is, of course, this GIF set of two new books… Read More


on November 1, 2016

Well, not really. I don’t know how Mate and I do it–but it’s been a Halloween tradition for 24 years now, that we be frickin’ out of money when Halloween roles around. I’m sure there’s a confluence of analyzable data to explain this phenomenon, but all I know is that going into Party City, telling… Read More