Mani-pedis and Texts

on June 17, 2016

So this morning, I got a text from my stepmom. My cousin’s wife, who is a few years younger than me–but not much–just had a baby. They’d tried for a lot of years, and so the baby is sort of a miracle, and it looks a lot like my late uncle. I called my cousin,… Read More

The Rush Limbaugh Story

on June 16, 2016

Okay–this is the true story of my first actual moment of political awareness. FTR, I was an idiot. Way way back, before dirt, dust, and dinosaurs, Rush Limbaugh was a small time radio talk show host in California, and he did a tour of California colleges including my teeny tiny junior college, Sierra Community. One… Read More

A Moment of Childish Wonder

on June 15, 2016

 For the record? I’ve declared Squish the winner in the soul collection race, although her biggest brother may be hiding many of his freckles under his gigantic lumberjack beard, the better to sucker us into believing he is entirely benign. That being said– I managed almost a mile today, and my knee was… well, not… Read More

Cricks and Critters

on June 14, 2016

Recital season is in full swing, and I find that continuing life as I know it, per usual, makes me a horrible person.  On Friday I tried to work out and then go to the full night show, and I was, if I say so, a face-ripping cow by the end of the night. Today,… Read More

Split Attention

on June 13, 2016

It was the oddest day. My kids had a birthday party to go to–and a really fun one at that! My friend Berry Jello had a reptile petting zoo come to her son’s birthday party, and the kids had SO much fun. So did I for that matter– the lizards, the bugs, the frogs, the… Read More

Scorched Haven: Part 9– August Starlight

on June 12, 2016

In honor of The Green’s Hill Novellas that are being re-released this week, I’m writing some more Scorched Haven, which sort of works as a novella on it’s own, doesn’t it? For those of you who are just tuning in for Scorched Haven, you can find the rest of the stories here: Part 1 Part… Read More


on June 10, 2016

I forget how much mom-ming I do in the summer. Today– thought I had all the time in the world when I woke up. Just a couple of errands in the morning, followed by a walk, then, maybe some laundry, and possibly some grocery shopping and… And talking to my kids. All four of them…. Read More

MM Memorial Day Scavenger Hunt

on June 8, 2016

Welcome to the 2nd MM Memorial Day Scavenger Hunt! 10 Days, 31 Stops, and loads of prizes! The rules are simple: At each stop on the tour you’ll find a military themed picture with a word or words. Collect the words and figure out the secret phrase (HINT: It’s lyrics to a song). Once you think… Read More

How much I love kids…

on June 8, 2016

Okay–so Chicken arrived yesterday morning, and to celebrate, we went to Target! (Yay?) Anyway, we were buying stuff for backstage mom-dom and recital rehearsal. OI. The first night is HALF the recital– so, things are amazingly rushed. I was in charge of ten little girls, all of whom needed shoes tied, and who, during dress… Read More

Kermit Flail–Summer Flailin’, JUNE!

on June 6, 2016

ZOMG–YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay– we have a KICK ASS Kermit Flail today. I can’t even BEGIN to tell you how excited I am to host some of the folks we have here.  It’s like… like YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!! First of all, we have LaQuette, whom I featured with the Backlist Badumpbump.  I had a chance to talk to LaQuette… Read More