Juggling Dogs

on May 12, 2016

*  I was walking the dogs today when I saw a bona fide Hell’s Angel–wearing the colors, driving a chopper, a German style WWII helmet on his head–roar through our neighborhood. He was shaved bald with a gray beard long enough to blow backwards over his shoulder. About half a block behind him was a… Read More

Memories and Dental Floss

on May 11, 2016

Quick bite tonight– DEADLINES! They’re screaming my name. Anyway– Squish and ZoomBoy went in to their dental checkups today.  They have had the same dentists (a family– mother, father, and their daughter, who is a little younger than I am) since they were small. We found these dentists when Big T was five, because he… Read More

Too bad for you…

on May 10, 2016

So, our aqua instructor this Monday did Tobattas. (I think that’s how it’s spelled– I’m pretty sure it’s a neologism for “too badda for you.”)  I approve of the principle– even when I’m sucking wind so bad I’m breathing through my eyeballs–because they make you feel like you’re really accomplishing something, and the results in… Read More

Mother’s Day

on May 9, 2016

Today was sweet and unassuming– I know that for many people, Mother’s Day is not the favorite. There’s a million reasons to experience pain when the whole world is out having a greeting card frenzy– and I get that. My day was not epic. There were no angels singing, and I didn’t wake up with… Read More

Remember that time we emotionally scarred our offspring for life?

on May 8, 2016

So, Squish got to sing at the RiverCats game tonight–her school’s choir/band got to perform the National Anthem. We arrived around 5:30, and Squish didn’t sing until 6:50, because the game started at 7:00. So ZoomBoy and I were, in a word, unsupervised. Anyway– I was listening to the intercom.  “Everybody who is planning to… Read More

I’ve Seen Worse…

on May 6, 2016

Sorry about the not blogging last night– I hit an editing/writing groove, and was so invested in all of that that blogging completely slipped my mind. (Well, I remembered when I was stumbling to bed at 2 a.m., but oh well.) So, like I said, busy and in brain-pan-land. In fact, so busy in brain-pan-land… Read More


on May 5, 2016

Well, to make up for yesterday’s uncomfortably weird story, today it’s going to be all cute all of the time. Or, well, two pictures worth before I go back to my late manuscript. Somebody got groomed today.  I’ll let you guess who.  And I went back to the gym today. There was no weirdness in the… Read More

And again, at the gym…

on May 4, 2016

So, Monday. At the gym, after class. I am sitting in the hot tub, warming up, eyes half closed, doing my neck stretches, and two women about my parent’s age get in. One of them thinks she knows me. “Hey– are you Cheryl, the chemical engineer?” “Uh, no. I’m sorry– I’m Amy, the romance writer.”… Read More

Kermit Flail– Welcome to May!

on May 2, 2016

Okay, so this month’s crop of Kermit Flail looks TREMENDOUS.  We start with the sumptuous and extraordinary Devon Rhodes and what looks to be a pretty hot threesome, move on to the adorable E.J. Russell and a paranormal story which looks deliciously angsty.  Next, we have Alexa Milne and a *happy sigh* fallen angel story… Read More

Sarcasm Family

on May 2, 2016

Took a trip out to the Millertown house to see my MIL today. It was a lovely day, we brought dogs and sandwiches, and I think she enjoyed herself. Her health hasn’t been great–I worry, and so does Mate. His mom is one of those funny, dry people who’s heart is so big her tiny… Read More