Random Thoughts About Volunteer Work

on March 30, 2016

Okay– I am eyeballs deep in an edit, and I almost forgot to blog! So it’s going to be a short one, kay? *  Two weeks ago, before Spring Break I served as Art Docent in my daughter’s classroom again. I was doing trains–Currier & Ives,  Monet, Grandma Moses and a few other artists–and we… Read More

Scorched Haven–Part 5: Consequences

on March 29, 2016

Okay– as promised. A hint of our Little Goddess world, and then to bed!  Like I said, I’m editing and it’s a tough one. *low whistle* This sure is a a lovely break! *  *  * Zeb drove like he was playing a video game– like crashing the car would have no consequences, and he’d… Read More

Here’s to you…

on March 28, 2016

So– no Scorched Haven tonight, because tired. But I’ll be editing tomorrow and in desperate need of some fiction writing, so look for it then. Now, in the last few years, really, I’ve noted that I’ve kept more and more of myself and my private life back from online. A lot of this is to protect… Read More

And The Pagans Rejoiced

on March 26, 2016

So, this was going to be Scorched Haven, but I’ll try to give you that tomorrow. It seems I’ll be filling plastic eggs with chocolate tonight and hiding them for the kids… Speaking of, I have a little story I’d like to share. So, Big T is going to be 24 in December, which means… Read More

And For These Things I’m Happy

on March 25, 2016

This is me, happy. (Okay– it’s Johnnie, happy, but I feel like this a lot, so he’s taking my dork rap.) A FB Reader made this for me– she made all of them! Nikki Fournier, you’ve made my WEEK! This one is for Gi-Gi from Deep of the Sound. This one is for the Candy… Read More

The Best Part Was I Got a Nap…

on March 24, 2016

Another brilliant spring day here, folks, and I got to see some of it from the swimming pool as I did my aqua aerobics. Today was actually a pretty busy, almost normal day. Huzzah? *  Took the dogs for their half-mile.  Took myself for aqua. Yay! *  My aqua instructor is going to try to… Read More

Pretty Day

on March 23, 2016

 Okay– so this is Dave Marquis– you don’t actually have to look at the clip, but he’s the local weatherman. For almost thirty years,  Mate and I have watched as Dave Marquis froze his skinny butt off at Donner Summit and Pollock Pines and Sugar Bowl, telling Sacramento about the snowpack. For the longest time,… Read More

Scorched Haven: Part 4

on March 22, 2016

Okay– first of all– Lollipop is available on audio today, and that’s sort of exciting! Second of all– as I put out on FB, I spent the weekend sick, which really sucked because after lunch with bio-mom, I slept my weekend away. So this–my ficlet, which I usually schedule on Saturday is late, but it’s… Read More

Your Drug of Trope

on March 18, 2016

I once knew a woman–a long long time ago, a friend of my parents, in a way– who hated musicals.  Loathed them. I can clearly remember her stomping her foot and yelling, “Where does the fucking music come from? How are we supposed to watch a movie in which music comes up out of nowhere… Read More

To-do lists…

on March 17, 2016

Okay– so Wednesdays are notoriously busy for me–and today, I left off something important.  Let’s see, let’s see, let’s see…. Drop Squish off at school? Check On time? No go, repeat, Daylight Savings Time is kicking our ass, and the on time issue is no go.  As Mate said about Zoomboy, he’s been late three… Read More