Other Places You can Find Me

on December 18, 2022

 So, I started this blog 15 and a half years ago–and I’ve loved it. I’m not quite ready to let it go in my heart–I mean, I’ve got a pretty solid record here, of my careers, of watching my kids grow up, of my animals. I’ve got some funny stories, and, hopefully, some insightful ideas… Read More

heh heh… so about those plans…

on October 31, 2022

  Wow. It’s been over a month since I’ve blogged. I’ve released a new BOOK since I’ve blogged. (The Rising Tide—it’s a lot of fun–you should check it out.) I’ve gone on a long trip since I’ve blogged. From California to Virginia Beach, where I stayed with Mate for a lovely night, and from there… Read More

Plans for the Future

on September 26, 2022

 (I’ll write one of these posts in earnest on my Patreon soon, complete with links and pub dates–this one is mostly for fun!) We had a birthday party for Chicken this week, which everybody made a big deal about since she didn’t really let us do anything for her when she graduated. Because she wanted… Read More

All About the Poop

on August 25, 2022

  So Weirdos came out this week, and people really seem to love it! I’m so glad–my dogs take up a big percentage of my day and it’s nice to know that love too is universal. So far the only criticism has been… well, predictable, really–it’s one I’m used to and always makes me smile… Read More

Dog Walking

on August 9, 2022

 I’m leaving for Book Lover’s Con tomorrow, and one of the forever weird things about jumping on a big jet plane to go somewhere new is the day before. It’s always a combination of regular ol’ Tuesday and OMG I HAVE TO GET ON A PLANE TOMORROW. So when something odd happens in the course… Read More

Fish in a Barrel

on July 27, 2022

 Okay–true story-I forget a lot about my blog. I think my last post was a month ago–all those things I used to need to shout from the mountaintops are perfectly content fermenting in my twisted little heart, silent as the grave. But I DO need to remember to post about new releases. I did a… Read More

I Can’t Believe I Have to Say This But…

on July 27, 2022

 Oh my God. We’d made such strides. When I first started writing in this genre, there was an assumption that gay sex was somehow more taboo, dirtier, because it was between two people of the same gender. We worked–and we worked hard–to change that perception. I realize that a lot of M/M and F/F writers… Read More


on June 24, 2022

 I’m so angry. Every woman in America should be this angry–but some of you aren’t and now I’m pissed at you. I mostly blog for myself these days–I don’t use it for an advertising platform much, and my kids have gotten to the point where their oddness and absurdity can be captured in a brief… Read More

Fuckcess and Sailure

on June 10, 2022

 So I’m currently putting together a class that I’m teaching next Wednesday–it’s beginning knitting and crocheting, and one of the enrollees wrote to ask what project I’m teaching first, and my response was, “A rectangle. I’m teaching people how to choose materials and make a rectangle. And if their first rectangle is successful, I can… Read More

Trickster gods and Murder birds: Long Con, the Suit

on June 8, 2022

  Sometimes, I feel like I’m the only one out there who loves the heist subgenre–but I can’t help it. I ADORE IT–and while it’s mostly found in movies, it has its roots deep in literature and our oldest myths. I know for me, it started with Barry Hughart’s The Flower and the Stone, which… Read More