A New Birthday, an Old Memory

on December 13, 2020

The social media learning curve is a frightening thing. When I first started blogging I was un-fucking-guarded. I held nothing back, and my colleagues read the blog and were offended. And I started to watch my tongue–but I’m still sort of opinionated, and then my readers were offended. And then the whole getting pulled from… Read More

Kermit Flail–Merry Christmas!

on December 7, 2020

YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!! Folks, we made it to December–and that is saying something.  Congratulations for making it to the Solstice festive season, in all its many incarnations–may this year get better after the dark of the solstice, and may the new year spring bright. (And wet–saying–California is looking a might crispy round these parts.) I know I… Read More

That Moment When

on December 2, 2020

The Advertisement that made me sob So, I’ve said it many many times–ZoomBoy had the things he loved pulled out from under him in a heartbeat–drama, choir, and dance– and he has not been okay.And I’ve been so worried, and tonight I saw this ad, and I lost my shit. One minute, I was knitting… Read More


on November 30, 2020

 It’s been a bad year.  We all know it.  We all have a story that’s personal to us about a tragedy or a disaster or a sadness that couldn’t wait for any year but this one to descend. Sometimes it was prompted by this fucking year–and sometimes it’s wholly unrelated. But for many of us,… Read More

All the… small things…

on November 23, 2020

 I’ve got small things at the moment–every time I try to write a big thing on the blog it comes out super long and super personal and I’m just not ready to do that, so small and perky it shall be! *  Speaking of small things… I saw a teeny-tiny Maltese/Shih Tzu in the store… Read More

There’s this thing… from the sky!

on November 18, 2020

 Cat: Mom! Me: Yeah? Cat: Mom! Me: What? Cat: Mom! Me: Oh my God– Cat: It’s wet outside! Me: Cat, you’re wet! Cat: I’m wet! Me: Stop touching me! Cat: Get it off! Get it off! Get it off! Me: Here–if you would just stand sti– Cat: LET ME USE YOUR ANKLES AS A TOWEL!… Read More

Four Boys in the Park with Masks

on November 14, 2020

 Back before I realized that sci-fi usually ended badly–Star Trek and Star Wars being the exceptions at the time–I thought that was the kind of writing I wanted to do. I was reading a story in a sci-fi magazine about a prison guard in the future. He was responsible for giving prisoners experimental drugs in… Read More

One or Two Things

on November 8, 2020

* So, back when we were first in quarantine, and toilet paper was scarce, we bought this ultra green toilet paper, made with bamboo and quilted ad infinitum. Ladies and gentleman, I regret to inform you, it is not Charmin.   Enough said. * I made a decent stroganoff tonight. In related news the smoke… Read More

And we will continue…

on November 4, 2020

 To wake up in the morning, and do as much good as we can. And teach our children love, and to love those around them. And that EQUALITY and JUSTICE should be for all people. All. And so should love. And that bigotry is a sin and should be a crime. And racism is a… Read More

Kermit Flail–Escape from November Style!

on November 3, 2020

  *looks furtively around* Yay? *looks around again* *sees the coast is clear*  YAYAYAYAAYYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYYAYAYAY! Okay folks–hang onto your shorts, we all know what’s happening on Tuesday, and I’ll be honest. I WISH it was just that I have a new book out. (Well, I do, but that’s not the thing on Tuesday!) Anyway–if you need… Read More