
City Mouse

on March 18, 2013

So, long ago– twenty-five years, this fall actually–Mate and I had a non-fight.  See, we’d moved in together in June, but this was October.  School had started, and I was working full time and Mate was working and taking a break from school (which meant finding his reason to go to school while working, because… Read More

A Grand Day Out

on March 17, 2013

Okay– So, the last two days have been sort of, well… Oi! Yesterday was the “sea scattering” of my grandma, and since we had all of the sadness in the tribute and other places, this was really sort of a different kind of moment.  This was a gorgeous day in San Francisco, in spite of… Read More

Things that make me happy…

on March 13, 2013

Does anyone remember that book?  It was right at the cutting edge of the new age, shiny-happy-people-holding-hands part of the nineties (which went very oddly with the grunge… don’t ask me to explain… I listened to R.E.M. and Pearl Jam and rode out the contradictory wave with hardly a batted eyelash…) Anyway– the book was… Read More


on March 11, 2013

 I’m still not sure I can write this post. See, when I was a kid and my parent’s split, whenever I went to visit my mom, I went to my grandparents’ house. My mom was pretty incommunicado at the time– I spent a lot of time on their couch, watching way too much ’70’s shows…. Read More

Watch This Space

on March 9, 2013

Yesterday, I wrote nearly 10,000 words.   Yes.  You heard me. 10,000. 9,724 that I can measure.  But I went back and backfilled, so I’m pretty sure that 275 was in there somewhere. I stopped when the story was done.   That’s Forever Promises, for those of you wondering, the sequel to this book here:  The last… Read More

Anyone? Anyone?

on March 5, 2013

So, Mary and I have been doing some marathon writing–her marathon is worse and harder than mine, I will admit, but still.  That whole writing when you’re short on sleep thing is a trip, because the words are flowing–nay, GUSHING–and this thing that’s been living in your head for so damned long is finally being… Read More

Amy’s Lane and other Things

on March 2, 2013

Okay– I HAVE to write today, and my whole morning was spent doing writing business but not actually writing.  So bear with my bullet points, kay? *  IT’S OUT IT’S OUT IT’S OUT….  or, rather, it’s on the Coming Soon page, and that makes me VERY happy. *  I just finished a chat en Espanol on… Read More


on February 27, 2013

Remember Dark Willow on Buffy? Right before she killed someone with a creepy, black-eyed snap of her fingers, she’d say “Bored now,” in that sweet Allison Hannigan voice, and you know what? Bored now. Okay– not really. I just took a look at the roster of my friends’ blogs that I HAVE NOT read and… Read More

Bye Bye, Baby

on February 24, 2013

I should have more pictures of her. But I got the cell phone two years ago, and she’s been part of my life for fifteen– somewhere in this computer, I’ve got pictures of her from the very beginning, but not now.  (There are actually more in my phone, too– but I was not in the… Read More

A Political Fable From a Small Urban Zoo

on February 21, 2013

One day a mother took her two children to a small urban zoo.  The zoo was getting crowded– it had, in fact, been around for quite some time, and was built back in the days when people used to dismiss or marginalize the amazing creatures inside.  It was growing now, in leaps and bounds, and… Read More