
A sharp taste of tomorrow…

on March 6, 2009

I’m going to write a real blog post later tonight, I promise… but this one’s for my peeps on amazon, who asked for a teaser of ‘Rampant’– just to, you know, prove that I ain’t talkin’ out of an ass full of fuzzy bunnies and bullshit. This one deals with sort of a, uhm, ‘sticky… Read More


on March 5, 2009

Okay, it was lunch. It was lunch, and I was wandering around the net, and my TA came in to get out of the rain. She picked up a pile of papers and started to grade, because I bring her McDonalds and she loves me. And another student came in–I won’t use his name, but… Read More

A Quick, “Why my kid is a genius” entry.

on March 3, 2009

Okay– this involves the Cave Troll’s real name, but it was awesome, and I wanted to share it before I forgot! His dad was giving him a hard time about practicing his handwriting. “Pretty soon, big guy, your ‘K’s are going to look more like ‘H’s!” “My ‘K’s do not look like ‘H’s! My name… Read More

Filking blogger…

on March 3, 2009

Okay– I sat down last night to post an honest-to-blog blog, and the computer took a dump so I couldn’t. It was all about my hair cut (lots of hairs cut. Really short.) And how, after the kids called it a ‘fro’, and ‘grandma Flossie-do’ (after my real grandma Flossie, of course) I threatened to… Read More

*smacking head against desk*

on February 28, 2009

Okay– I know this. I know life is better with sleep. But never does it seem such a simple lesson as when I’m a flaming bitch all day, and then I fall asleep. I wake up, and the short people back away from me slowly, the tall people are ingratiating, Mate is ginger about approaching… Read More

Short people got… no reason…

on February 27, 2009

Don’t like no short people… (go Randy Newman!) Seriously– yesterday, the short people literally DROPPED into a coma, at around 2:00 pm. We actually STOOD THEM UP, to wake them up, and they just dissolved into sleeping puddles of short people…until arund 7:00, when they woke up, REALLY woke up, and ran around in circles… Read More

Oh hey… things got interesting!

on February 24, 2009

Only little interesting, but still… you know… interesting… The thing is, traffic was bad. I mean, you know…BAAAAAAAD. And I looked up as I was passing the exit for work on the way to the babysitter’s, and realized, “Hey–this is usually the time I LEAVE the baby sitter’s! Holy bats, Crapman! I’m frickin’ late!” So… Read More


on February 23, 2009

What can I say? My life IS that boring! I DIDN’T get a start on the roulette socks tonight (although I may go and do that before I go to bed… just to say I’ve done it) but I DID start a colleague’s hat. (Well, two of them, actually, but one’s more urgent than the… Read More

I’m Free…

on February 20, 2009

Okay, not really, but the kids are finally kicking their flu, and hopefully, since I worked three out of the five days they had it, I won’t get it. The title, though, comes from Ladybug. She still sounds like a three-year old forty-year chain smoker, but she was SO anxious to get out of the… Read More

Holy Clustering Germfuck, Batman…

on February 19, 2009

Okay–that’s almost exactly what I said when I put my hand on Big T’s head today and discovered that we’d hit a homerun in the illness department. I may have left out the ‘fuck’ but he knew what I meant. *sigh* Fucking February. * Other weird news? I may have reached a new low in… Read More