What I told the Harlot…

I cruised the Harlot’s post on 34 wee tiny leaves last night as I was proofing galleys, and wrote a response that’s at least two blocks past Goofy with a right on Weird:

My manuscript sucks
My manuscript bites
It’s not what I want
To be reading tonight
But I have to proof it
And change where I goofed it
And my brain and my eyes
Are working their loosest
So I’m taking a break
How much more can I take?
Til I see the Harlot make socks
That would make my brain ache.
Now my work doesn’t grieve me
You all can believe me
If she can knit thirty-four
Tiny ol’ leaves, gee–
I can finish my proofing
My awful typed goofing
And as a reward
I can knit up a new thing!

Go Harlot and her leaves!

And now, after three hours of sleep (Ladybug was on a ‘let’s make the parents wacko with exhaustion’ kick) that’s not looking any less strange.

BTW? I start a new semester on Monday–I’m not thinking about it because I don’t want to sob through my last two days of break! I’ve got nearly 200 pages to go, and a nap to take, so I’m gonna git crackin’!

0 thoughts on “What I told the Harlot…”

  1. roxie says:

    Edit, edit, edit! You can do it! If it was easy, everyone would do it. You have what it takes, and then – THEN, you can have a NAP!!Ah, to drift into the arms of tender Morpheus . . . (Love the poem. I’m sure the Harlot understands. God knows I do!)

  2. Em says:

    You can do it! And if you want some help, I happen to love editing (yes, i am a sociopath, why do you ask?) and am always willing to help people get to nap time.

    Catching up on the last few weeks of your blog has been fun, now that I have the interwebs back up and running. Thanks for making me smile. Best of luck with the new semester!

  3. TinkingBell says:

    What fun (Those leaves would do my head in!)Remember – galleys mean publication is nigh!! (and BM2)
    Sleep sleep sleep – look deep into my eyes……

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