In which I attend my own snoozefest…

on April 10, 2010

Honestly, there’s nothing to report. N.O.T.H.I.N.G. I’m almost done editing Vulnerable. Huzzah! It hasn’t taken very long… I mean, SERIOUSLY–with the exception of the novellas I’ve been writing, it’s the shortest full length piece I’ve written. I mean… DAMN. My internet was dead for much of today… sort of a bummer, since, not only was… Read More

Time Capsules

on April 8, 2010

It’s funny– I know that some of us write to preserve memories of our families, friends, or pets (Chaos… I know you’re out there… and Mayhem, Sekhmet, Pepper, LuLu and Havoc too…) It’s true–these blogs really DO serve as time capsules–I know every time I put a conversation from my family on here, that it’s… Read More

Sorry ’bout the radio silence…

on April 5, 2010

But I figure you all knew where I was. Yeah– sometimes life really DOES trump blogging–not often, I’ll grant you, but when it happens, well, it’s best just to let it. On Friday night, I got home from work completely wiped out. I mean… just… braindead and destroyed. More ready for a break than I… Read More

Pegging Empty

on April 2, 2010

You guys know when you’re driving, and your empty light starts flashing? You can usually count on what I call ‘the bounce’–‘the bounce’ is when it LOOKS like empty, but suddenly you have an extra eighth a tank to get you where you were going. Like most teachers, I hit ‘the bounce’ in the week… Read More