A Matter of Scope

on July 7, 2019

Okay– so I had a fasciitis flare up, which means my keyboard time went WAY down this weekend–and my knitting in front of the TV time went WAY up. Wasn’t fun for the kids– lots of waiting on mom–but I finished my shawl (modeled by a reluctant Squish here) and I figured out the problem… Read More

Lace Work

on July 4, 2019

Okay–so I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong with this pattern, but I know that I’ve finished the last row TWICE and the number count is off. Now some people would — and rightfully so– frog the whole thing back to the white part and try again.  Fuck the last week– they want their lace… Read More

Playing Chess with Yourself and Losing

on July 3, 2019

I am in the middle of a particularly messy edit right now. In case you’re wondering what that looks like, here’s a little diary of my thought process when I’m asked to make changes to my work: Me, during editing: Well I did TOO put that part in and I don’t know why you couldn’t… Read More

Happy Kermit Flail of July!!

on July 1, 2019

YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!! I have to say, it’s been a mild but busy summer here at chez Lane– I’ve been fairly productive writing and yet my house remains a mess! Anyway– I was busy, so I put out the all-call for Kermit Flail a little late–but what I got back makes up in quality what it fell… Read More

Jackson and Ellery Defend A Friend of Mine

on June 27, 2019

So, in celebration of Fish on a Bicycle going on pre-sale at DSP, I thought I’d give a little bit of love to my friend Rhae, who is currently having some trouble with contractors and needs some vengeance.  *  *  * Chaos and Cooking Jackson had put the folder together the day before, and but… Read More

And… scene.

on June 25, 2019

I know I’m getting stressed when I start pulling out ALL THE PATTERN BOOKS so I can start a new… name it. Pair of socks, scarf, sweater, what-have-you. The fact is, I’ve got one scarf and three shawls on the hooks/needles RIGHT NOW and a pair of socks that has a deadline but OMG I… Read More

Engineer Meet Dorkfish

on June 24, 2019

I am working on a “shawl”– a shawl that’s 80 inches long and 13 inches deep, so, it’s more like a scarf. I tell Mate, “I was thinking I would work an extra twenty-two rows so this shawl could have more depth but–“ Mate: So the shawl could have more what? Me: You know, depth?… Read More

En Masse

on June 22, 2019

So, with one thing or another, this question has come up, and I thought I’d answer it here so I could refer people back to it. Some of you may know that Bonfires and Crocus aren’t just available in trade paperback– the large-sized, limited batch paperbacks that are traditional for independent publishers. They were made… Read More

Pictures from the City

on June 20, 2019

 So today we got home and I took the kids to dance so both Mate and I could get a nap. Today we worried about whether the garbage would get collected and when the dogs had vets appointments and whether the laundry would get done. There was dishes to do and word counts to reach… Read More

Got a Call from an Old Friend…

on June 14, 2019

Actually this story ends better than that song, so I”ll stop right there. (Song was “My Life” by Billy Joel. Good tune!) Anyway–in the spring of ’82, our school got two bomb threats that resulted in all the students stuck outside in the football stadiums for two and three hours at a time. I would… Read More