Not Dead, just Christmasing!

on December 21, 2010

Okay–it’s not a word. It should be. “Christmasing” should encompass everything from baking to visiting people you usually call and calling people you usually e-mail, and shopping and wrapping and getting all dewey-eyed with your spouse, and having the folks take the kids so you can shop AND wrap AND get all dewey-eyed AND plan… Read More

Other People’s Efforts.

on December 17, 2010

Okay, a couple of long posts, and, well, I’m gonna coast– but in a good way. First thing– the cover. Yeah– let’s talk about that. This is the cover of an anthology written for fellow writer, Patric Michael. Patric had cancer, and although he seems to be in recovery, for a while there, it was… Read More

Big T

on December 14, 2010

OKay. Let’s go back a while. The last time Mate and I were organized–TRULY organized–was on December 10th, 1992. We sat down on the couch and without computer or fanfare, we filled out and addressed two sets of cards, by hand. One was our Christmas card, and the other was a birth announcement. We knew… Read More

Holly Ridge

on December 13, 2010

On Tuesday, I shall do a post for Big T, because he is eighteen today, and, well… I’m overwhelmed, and don’t have my thoughts in order, so I’m going to do something a little less maudlin (cause you know where that’s going) and a little less sappy, and I”m going to entertain you with… Going… Read More

Stuff in the Floating Pool Cleaning Net

on December 11, 2010

Okay, first things first. Anybody remember those Sunday morning paper activities, where you had to look at two different pictures and find the seven things different? Well, I’m not gonna make you do that, but it’s sort of what I had to do when I helped pick the cover we went with. The basic image… Read More


on December 9, 2010

Okay– first of all, this ISN’T the photo for Talker’s Redemptionthat they eventually elected to use. There’s a cute little trick that people use to download the photo from the website and then get it onto a blog–I don’t know what it is, but I’m jealous. Anyway, this was one of the rejected photos, but… Read More

Ding dong, the season’s dead…

on December 7, 2010

Soccer season, that is! Yup, folks, there you see the triumphant Wild Things, who won three of their last five games, even though they were one or two men down for most of their last, four game tourney. (You may notice Chicken is the least mud-spattered of them all. “It was easy, mom– all the… Read More

Nanowrimo and a Surprisingly Full Plate

on December 4, 2010

Okay– the whole thing about nanowrimo sounds ludicrous, doesn’t it? It’s all about writing a novel in a month, and, really? Who does that? Well, the goal they set you is 50,000 words, which his about the size of one of those Harlequin Temptation books– the kind with the wonderfully lurid red covers and the… Read More

Christmas With Danny Fit

on December 1, 2010

Have you ever had something you felt you “had” to do, turn into something you “loved” to do, and then turn into something you positively adored? See, last year, I wrote If I Must (and I can not figure out where my image capture went for that adorable kitten!) and I was REALLY surprised at… Read More

Shit I Will Never Understand

on November 29, 2010

(Forgive the promotional picture for Christmas With Danny Fit– it comes out on Wednesday, and I’ll chat it up then, because it features a chubby virgin, and I really adore it, and I haven’t talked a lot about it, so I thought I’d just get everyone thinking about it first:-) Anyway… Back to shit I… Read More