And the world turns smoothly on…

on September 21, 2010

So I was sitting at my desk today, right after the students all left, eating a sandwich. And my uterus gave a mighty red throb and shouted, “BITCH!” I gasped, whimpered, downed two Advil, doubled over, and whimpered, “Why?” And my uterus drank in the drugs, gave a smug, evil throb, and retreated in gloating… Read More

How Tired Was I?

on September 19, 2010

I was SO tired on Friday, that I completely forgot my own darned contest! SORRY! Sorry… so sorry!!! Anyway, my magic cooking pot produced (with a little help from Chicken) two different winners appeared. One was Jennifer Duffy, who asked for a Marcus and Phillip flashback (much to my delight and Chicken’s dismay– she was… Read More


on September 17, 2010

Yes, folks, don’t bother to check your calendars, it is the dreaded *gasp* week six of school. But first, some writing happies… Here, here,and here. Now, the interview was fun–and I answered the questions about “Truth” a little differently than I did in the last interview, so that was neat. And as for the others?… Read More

Weekend Sleeping…

on September 12, 2010

Okay– first of all, thanks so far for everyone who’s put in their two cents for the contest! Some of the choices were a real surprise–and I was thrilled to see a couple of votes for Bitter Moon. (My daughter was not! She said that if I wrote a sex scene between Lane and Bethen… Read More

899… License to Thrill!

on September 10, 2010

Seriously! If you add the old blog with this one I’m on post 899–and, like, WOW! I’ve got a contest in mind–sort of a modest little contest for readers AND knitters, but I’m going to chat a little before I tell ya what it is, ’cause I’m mean like that. (I’m also hella sleep deprived–even… Read More

Happy, Pretty, Busy, Singing, Planning, Playing, Living…

on September 7, 2010

ZOMG! So pretty! This story is set in the LG universe (as well as my own tongue-in-cheek version of heaven) and deals with a couple of angels who are… well, befuddled by everybody’s favorite vampire when they’re set to watch him. I loved Litha’s Constant Whim, and I love this one–Whim wasn’t a commercial powerhouse… Read More

Chicken’s Favorite Thing

on September 5, 2010

Chicken and her friends went to an anime convention this weekend. On Friday, I lucked out– her friend’s mom drove, while I stayed home with a tired Squish who, on top of feeling under-weatherly, had also received her last round of shots all in one arm. (Mate said it was the darnedest thing–after years of… Read More

Writing Angst

on September 2, 2010

People wonder how I can write angst so convincingly. How can I put myself in the place of someone who has experienced loss or sadness or pain, when, although turbulent and not without struggle, my life has had such a happy ending. (And let’s face it. Even if a wandering satellite had its orbit disturbed… Read More

Lemme Hear It From the Cheap Seats!

on August 31, 2010

This is Talker–and he’s getting a lot of attention. Maybe it’s the tattoos and maybe it’s the fact that Bella was so sweet and light and this one is… well… not. Either way, I’m getting all nervy again because it’s out tonight from this place and ARe and and all points in between. Either… Read More