Just in Time to Kick Off Teh Crazy…

on August 10, 2010

Yup. That’s Bella’s Brother, now available at Dreamspinner, available in a day or two fromARe, and available this week sometime from the ‘zon. To say I’m nervous about this one would not fully convey how on edge I am about the reception of Making Promises. Some people love it, and some people are disappointed that… Read More

I Was on the Moon With Steve

on August 8, 2010

Okay, watch the video first. Seriously. It’s crucial to the whole rest of the post. Did you hear that? He said that children lied their heads off! He said “I was dead at the time! I was on the moon! With Steve!” So now we know who it was that made your children do that… Read More

Ten Writing Reasons This Was a Good Summer

on August 6, 2010

Okay– you all know that the highlight of my summer is my kids–for always and forever, and we had some VERY good moments. But from a strictly writing standpoint, here are ten reasons that summer belonged to me… 12345678910 I don’t know how I feel about this–I mean, on the one hand I”m psyched… and… Read More

The Song Says It All

on August 6, 2010

So, I was having a little discussion with my editor today (okay– it still makes me feel very swank saying that. Forgive me. I have so very little opportunities for swank.) I told her I was going in to work for a little bit of time and she wondered that I was going back so… Read More

Fucking Cat

on August 3, 2010

I’ll give you three guesses as to what that dark thing is in the picture. If you’ve ever owned one of the god’s (damned) companions, you will only need one. (Keep in mind, folks, that I took this picture from my computer keyboard, while looking at my screen. Uhm-hm. Yeah. Fucking cat.)

And the madness has begun…

on August 3, 2010

Last night was the first night of soccer practice for the season! OI! We’re lucky this year– last year, we had a practice on M/W, one on T/Th, a game on Friday and one on Saturday. This year, we don’t have the practice on T/Th–and I’m thinking that’s a blessing. We still have dance, but… Read More

And Some More Squishie…

on August 1, 2010

So Mate took Squish and Zoomboy to the park and gymnastics while I was home, hosting the ‘chat’. I always feel a little silly at those things–but there were around twenty visitors, and everyone was really sweet, so I think it went well. Anyway, when it was over, first I walked around the block barefoot… Read More

The Squishie Hat Trick

on July 30, 2010

Okay– this is me, doing publicity for, well, myself. (Thrilled? I thought so. Me too–pass that cyber-valium now, baby, I’m too charged for words!) So this is Squishie, and that thing she’s holding is NOT a hat. It is, in fact, a silk-ribbon purse I made for my daughter’s friend’s Quinceanara, but we haven’t had… Read More

The Ins and Outs of White Trash Parenting

on July 29, 2010

So yesterday, my friend and I took our children to Fairytale Town. This is a little park/playground with fairy tale themed play places–Old Mother Hubbard’s shoe (which is really a slide), Owl’s house (which is really a slide), Old MacDonald’s farm (which is a big barn with chickens, mice, a big tarantula… and a slide),… Read More

OKay… if the video thing doesn’t work…

on July 27, 2010

(The video worked, but I apologize for the crap resolution. Squishy is the one waving at the camera–you can hear Zoomboy in the background going, “Squishy waved at me!” and Dad saying, “Yeah, now stop waving at her and let her dance!” or something close:-) So while you watch that, I’ll entertain you with the… Read More