The dark small hours of the morning…

on July 3, 2010

*Yawn* One of the sad things about my hours in the summer is that I’m still up during the dark, small hours of the morning, doing writing business (as I call it) and often writing as well. Of course, one of the not-so-sad things, is that I often go back to sleep around six-thirty in… Read More

Ken Chaney

on July 1, 2010

Look at him– I mean, you know… *Jesus*! Doesn’t he look like a Dashiell Hammett hero? Yeah. I always thought so. And if you read his obituary you’ll see that Dashiell Hammett had nothing on Grandpa. There has been some argument in the family as to where I got my eyes–are those Rau eyes or… Read More


on June 28, 2010

Is pretty, yes? Yes, Amy. Is so very very pretty. You should be pleased. Why thank you, Mikhail. I think the artist captured the expression on your face perfectly! That’s supposed to be me? Is horrible. I look nothing like that! It makes my mouth look sulky! Well, your mouth DOES look sulky. It’s one… Read More

Knitting in the Dark

on June 27, 2010

*phew* Well, the recital is over, and I for one am immensely relieved. Don’t get me wrong–the recitals are FUN–for one thing (and I’ve said this before) you get to see people’s children grow up performance by performance, and you feel just as proud for ‘that one kid who’s been around a while’ as you… Read More

A REAL day off…

on June 25, 2010

Seriously– it was so weird. Only one errand to run, which I did while T was in karate, and most of the rest of the day was spent… writing. Knitting. Watching re-run television. *shudder* Oh bliss. I think the down time was good for everybody, too, because the short people were oddly relaxed today, and… Read More

Oh for crap’s sake…

on June 22, 2010

Yeah. I’ve got another novella out. This one is special. This one is a story of Green’s Hill. And the artwork is beyootifuul. And between this one and Truth in Dark and Making Promises (due out next month) I am content that I have lived up to my writer’s promise this year. I have more–much… Read More

Tan Squid–take two

on June 22, 2010

To rid myself of the whine flavor of the last blogpost, I will give you this continuation of the tan squid discussion that was held the other day: “Mom, I’m a tan squid and Squish is a pink octopurt, so what are you?” “I’m a beige marSOOpEEul!” “So you are a boring colored marSOOpEEul?” “No–… Read More

I’m happy, dammit!

on June 22, 2010

So we sat down to watch Burn Notice together– Mate, me, and Chicken. It’s one of our shows. But I had to get up for water for Squishie and then I had to get up for something else, and while I was up for something else, I checked my e-mail (because I’m DYING for Truth… Read More

Did you hear the one about…

on June 20, 2010

The Chicken, the Tan Squid, and the short Squishie one, who spent two weeks in dance recital rehearsal, and then all had a melt down and fell asleep? I did. I almost fell with them! I didn’t realize how far down the work/recital/errand rabbit hole I’d spiraled until I was sitting in the audience, watching… Read More