The Price of My Soul

on May 11, 2010

Okay, folks, I’ve been promising Jack and Teague this summer, and I just came to the realization that even though I will probably have the final installment done by July, I won’t be able to get the whole thing out until September, at the earliest, and this depresses me. However, since the reasons for this… Read More

This Morning for Mother’s Day, I got…

on May 9, 2010

* A chance to sleep in. * A scroll with a vase of flowers made of handprints from a six year old with REALLY BIG hands! * Cookies for breakfast! * A four year old who wanted to give me a pretty pretty vase of flowers. * A card with a magnetic ‘mood indicator’–one that… Read More

That dragon is a sneaky bastard…

on May 8, 2010

So, I’ve been working this month on a WIP that wasn’t dragon ridden. I thought I’d get a jump on that fucker, you see, and work steadily on something I liked but didn’t grab me by the throat. But… but… I couldn’t figure out why it didn’t grab me by the throat? What was I… Read More

Big T and the prom

on May 5, 2010

Okay– Big T, is, after all, going to the prom. This is big news. Why? Because some bizarre y-chromosome thing kicked into place during this whole experience, and it was a near thing. Want proof? Moment the first: The psyche out. Big T has an Object Of Affection– we’ll call her Ooa. Anyway, T wanted… Read More

All right…

on May 5, 2010

I want to know WHICH inspired member of the knitting community was responsible for the glorious works of art found on THIS EPISODE OF MYTHBUSTERS! Whoever it was? You ROCK!

We’ve changed the cat’s name to…

on May 4, 2010

Royalty Check. Because that’s the only reason he’s alive. Yup, poor old Dennis Quaid– there he was, under the surgeon’s knife to have one little bittie tooth removed. Five hours later, he’s eight teeth down, and EXTREMELY confused. And my first major royalty check for DSP is toast. And we still have a kid to… Read More

Great skittering kitties!

on May 1, 2010

Mate and I have been doing workout tapes in the morning, so I only walk a couple of times a week. Tonight was the first truly warm night of the year– in fact, the cold has been really weird. Anyway, it was warm tonight, and the kitteh cats were all partying hard. I must have… Read More

A Genetic Anomaly

on April 30, 2010

*g* You guys liked the plotbunny thing– that’s awesome! Thank you! Other than that? It’s mostly me, in a funk about testing, in a funk about the kids, in a funk about the end of the year and my horrible, horrible job. My children are doing okay, I think–Squish has had some issues–I think she’s… Read More

The Rise of the Plotbunnies…

on April 27, 2010

After trying to gently brace my editors at DSP for the fact that I may be working on some non-DSP projects starting in the summer, I was threatened (gently, and we shall not name who did the threatening) with the possibility of somebody feeding my plotbunnies radioactive chocolate carrots. She did not tell me that… Read More


on April 26, 2010

Don’t talk to mommy. She’s EDITING. Honestly, folks– that’s all I’ve got. I got Making Promises to edit this weekend, and “Phonebook” to sneak in the middle, and my entire weekend has been a blur of my own words. I sort of wish it was a blur of J.R. Ward’s words. I REALLY wanted to… Read More