Reasons to believe…

on July 21, 2009

Okay– sort of a weird couple of days. I’ve been writing along, waiting from word from my first two beta readers and searching for reasons why I write. I mean I KNOW why I write. The voices in my head won’t leave me alone–I might as well do something productive with them. I just mean…… Read More

A Day In Ratings

on July 18, 2009

Good evening Ladies and Gents. Today, I present A Day In the Bucket Rating Scale. You know how it works–it’s a lot like the Drew Carey Point system on This Show. In short, the points don’t really matter– if something sucks, it sucks in buckets. If something’s awesome, well that comes in buckets too. Weirdness… Read More

One or two things. Maybe five.

on July 16, 2009

Thing one: Okay–I gave it up. Without cutting a single excessive sex scene, I sent my baby out to my first two beta readers so they can tell me how excessive the sex scenes actually are. For two weeks, at least, I’m free–and happily working on Jack & Teague’s next adventure, ‘Changing’. Thing two: Today,… Read More

The view from the edge of the dragon’s cave….

on July 14, 2009

Things look very strange. Picture me… peeping my head from the edge of the dragon cave, … a look outside, and I pop back in. Another look, and another pop… I do this about ten, fifteen times a day, getting glimpses of the landscape before I disappear into my hole, until finally, I have a… Read More

The poop, the whole poop, and nothing butt.

on July 12, 2009

Ten very important minutes in Ladybug’s life: “Mommm! Mom!” “Wha?” “Mom. I have to go poop. Come with me. Come on mom. No, get out of the bathroom. DON’T LEAVE! Stay in the bedroom! Mom! Mom! Mom! Come look! I made a BIIIIGG poop. No I’m not done. There’s more. Get out of the bathroom…. Read More

Entertainment in the Rabbit Hole

on July 11, 2009

The Cave Troll asked that I post this, because he loves it, that’s why: And I thought I’d tell you that Ladybug freaked out yesterday. Seems she’d downed some kool-aid and sucked her thumb. “Mooooooommmmmmmmm!!! My thumb’s RED!”

Posting From the Rabbit Hole

on July 11, 2009

Okay–I admit it. I’m eyeball deep from the rabbit hole. Those of you who write–or knit–know about the rabbit hole. It’s the place you go when all of your energy, all of your creativity, creates a quantum singularity of your attention, and suddenly…whoop! There you are. You listen to the kids with half an ear…. Read More


on July 9, 2009

Okay, so I was on Twitter, right? Because that’s what I do, right? And dreamspinner press–an e-book pub that specializes in m/m romance–well they got on Twitter, right? And Lynn, who’s in charge at dreamspinner posted a youtube prompt..This one, to be exact, and said she was DYING for a story to go with it…. Read More

Why Mean People Can Kiss My Ass

on July 6, 2009

Okay– I have to admit, I’m in a little bit of pain. VULNERABLE, my baby, my first, has been continually kicked in the nuts on, and yeah–it hurts. But today, while sulking like a kid with a crappy report card, I was reminded (yet again) of why the mean people on can kiss… Read More


on July 5, 2009

We had a fine fourth–what I can remember of it. I’m sort of working on a sleep deprivation fugue right now. Too much writing late and waking up and snuggling w/the kids early.) But the family has been in fine bantering form this last week, and I’m hoping to capture a little of it for… Read More