Uhm, squee?

on January 26, 2009

Well, first of all, because you can never get enough of this sort of thing (wanna bet?) I’ll give you this: And second of all, ladies and gentlemen, I give you Bitter Moon II: Triane’s Son Reigning Ta da! That baby weighed in at 2 lbs. and 615 Trade Paperback sized pages. It hurt like… Read More

Now THAT’S Diehard Fandom…

on January 25, 2009

Yeah… I did it. I took Chicken to see My Bloody Valentine 3D– Jensen Ackles was in it, it was like a compulsion. And although I probably would have had a better time at Inkheart (and definitely wouldn’t have been exposed to any internal organs or exploding pick-axed eyeballs during the viewing) I have to… Read More

Being Proactive

on January 22, 2009

Having recovered from my ego-bruising rejection, I decided to take a positive, proactive stance in the campaign to get my work published by someone besides myself. To that end, I have written and formatted my own rejection letter–you know, just to speed the process along and spare everybody some time, trouble, and pain: Dear Agent/Publisher–… Read More


on January 21, 2009

Okay– I supervised a basketball game last night– the supervision was fun, but I’m SO tired… and I have a staff meeting tonight as well. I’m thinking I’ll get home, plant my keester, and dream about days when I could go walking four days a week! And now I have two whimpers and an ‘awww’… Read More

And the bad news is…

on January 20, 2009

Okay, good news first. The good news is, I awoke this morning, after having finished a pair of fingerless mitts that I WILL have pictures of eventually (because I’m keeping them) and after watching four episodes of Season 2 of yummy-youngsters in a cool car with guns and ghosts (Uhm, Supernatural) and I felt GREAT…. Read More


on January 17, 2009

Done list: Finished “Girl Mittens” for grandmother-in-law (alas, no pictures.) Finished “Two color scarf” for friend (alas, no pictures.) Finished hotpad and retro dishcloth for friend (alas, no pictures.) Received picture calendars ordered in early December from Wal-Mart (you’ve seen a lot of those pictures, actually) Sent all of the above to final destinations. Went… Read More

Life with my feet up…

on January 15, 2009

Seriously– I actually bailed on a department meeting (to the unhappiness of my dept. head) to come home and put my feet up and on ice. Walking around the Academy of Science on Saturday had pretty much fubar’d my foot per usual, and it was getting to the point where I would stand up and… Read More

Can’t talk now, I’m proofing galleys…

on January 13, 2009

*sigh* You know that expression, “So near and yet so far?” Yeah, sometimes publishing the books is like that. I get it done (I think) and perfect (I hope) and then I get it in (huzzah) and then… They send it back to me so I can do the whole damned thing one more time…. Read More