Christmas: It’s not just for young people anymore.

on December 24, 2008

This morning, I was prepping my kids for the housecleaning (that is even now continuing without me) and the following conversations took place: Big T: “Mom, how clean do you want the bathroom.” Me: “Pristine.” “But seriously–what do you want me to clean?” “The floors, the floors behind the toilet, the walls, the walls behind… Read More

Things to do things to do things to do…

on December 22, 2008

1. Finish the Cave Troll’s glubs by Christmas. Take pictures. 2. Start and finish Ladybug’s glubs–same deadline. Take pictures. 3. finish the last pair of socks for the Chaney women free-for all. Take pictures. 4. Finish the hat I’ve been working on as a traveling piece. This will be easy, as it’s pretty much decreasing… Read More

Squishy Belle

on December 20, 2008

I’ve had to do it–I’ve put the writing on a moratorium and am knitting as often as possible. I’ve forgotten how liberating that is… and how refreshing to the ol’ cranium. I’ll be SO ready to write again as soon as Christmas has come and gone. I’ve even let an extra day come and go… Read More

Believe it or not…

on December 18, 2008

Okay–my internet time is on a serious downswing here… and, seeing as this is a knitting blog, you’ll never guess the cause. Yup. I’ve been KNITTING. (Or crocheting, as the case may be.) I know this may shock some of you… it shocks me. The simple fact is, that in spite of a sort of… Read More

Random Ephiphanies

on December 16, 2008

OKay… some really funny stuff and some not so funny stuff and some really weird stuff happened to me yesterday. Bear with me…it was all just so goddamned random. * The Cave Troll and Ladybug had an ongoing argument as to whether or not the star on the top of the Christmas tree was a… Read More

Big T is 16

on December 14, 2008

And I didn’t get any pictures. So the story is this: This week, T was trying to get his friend to go with him to the movies for his birthday. I’ve prepped the kids–nothing big for b-days. Nothing big for Christmas. T was primed, if a little disappointed, about cake & ice cream at home,… Read More

What the horoscope said:

on December 12, 2008

“You will get news or meet friends today, Amy, from abroad. These things could possibly cheer you all day.” What happened: During my second period class another teacher walked in with a cop. I glanced at the cop and then at my (admittedly dodgy) class and was about to say, “Okay, officer, which kid are… Read More

You mean I have to clean the house?

on December 11, 2008

I was having a hard time figuring out why the house was so thrashed. I mean, didn’t I have a system? Don’t I ask the kids to clean parts before I leave it? Doesn’t Mate clean the kitchen sometimes? Haven’t I been making the short people clean up their stuff? What’s missing? Oh? Oh. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh…. Read More

When you’re out of material…

on December 10, 2008

Look through your pictures! Ladybug has been sick for two days… and now she is no longer sick and driving everyone bugshit–time for her to go back to the babysitter’s and dad to go back to work. And mom? Losing her fricking mind–I mean that. Christmas knitting? Oh yeah–I’ve got that. Papers to grade? An… Read More

And I didn’t even get to the best part!!!

on December 7, 2008

Okay–so when Chicken was helping me open yarn packages in the car yesterday, she said, “Here’s a yarn magazine, mom–I’m putting it in your yarn bag, ‘Kay?” “Okay,” I responded, trying not to crash the car and ogle what was coming out of the packages at the same time. So I didn’t see it until… Read More