Gotta give it up to Knittech…

on November 21, 2008

She sure can do those lists! Have you read them? They’re all written in a straight line, and they’re usually hilarious, and they’re just a list of things–irritating or wonderful–about her day. I love her lists. I sat down to blog tonight and was thinking, “Gees, I sure would like to just do a list,”… Read More

Welcome to the Monkey House

on November 18, 2008

The problem with trying to do work at home is that all your coworkers are insane. It all started as I sat here and edited Bitter Moon II. I was actually enjoying myself, and I looked up and saw that the Cave Troll had no pants of any kind. There he was, bum-winkie-nekkid, yelling at… Read More

Because this is my life…

on November 18, 2008

I got home today and there were two packages–for ME! There was ‘Elfhunter’ from my friend Archer (C.J. Marks) and there was (oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy!!!) ‘Sanna Meets Dauntless SwiftSure’ by none other than our very own Roxie–YEEEEEHHAAAA! So there I was, in my office (the bathroom) doing my business (’nuff… Read More

Sweet boy, very hyper…

on November 17, 2008

(The Cave Troll, Mate, & Grandpa Pete light candles.) It was a rough day housecleaning, and it seemed as though every time we got a break from the short people, they were getting into something worse than what they were doing when they were driving us crazy. Example? The Cave Troll disappeared for fifteen minutes… Read More

A long string of weirdness…

on November 16, 2008

***The Cave Troll is 5 today (11/15)–tomorrow I will do a big gushy B-Day post, but today, let me leave you with this. A young man in my 3rd period came into class with a lot of balloons yesterday. He is handsome, quiet, and subversive–he talks quietly a lot because he’s done with his work… Read More

Rumors of my pregnancy are GREATLY exaggerated

on November 13, 2008

*SNARK* Okay–it all started when I asked for time off– last year. And I did a little paperwork and the time off was approved and vague, mysterious things happened in all bureaucratic layers above my head, and this year I came back to school and VOILA! I only had three classes. Or so I thought…. Read More

I’ve got more than nothing and less than something.

on November 13, 2008

I’m afraid I’m going random style today–sorry. I’ve been trying to dredge up something coherent all day, and it just isn’t flying. Brain on sludge–talk to me after Christmas! * I hate my 3rd period class. A lot. Someone VANDALIZED A FUCKING DESK today–I caught it in time to wipe that thing clean but after… Read More

Like a festering boil…

on November 10, 2008

(Okay–random kid cuteness, because no one was on the other computer and I could!) Now…First of all– Waiting– So far, so good! (ismarah, come… join the dark side…) Seriously, so far, folks have enjoyed WAITING, and I am, well, pleased. Very very pleased. Keep the comments coming–they do give me hope! (And since the iUniverse… Read More

No More Waiting:-)

on November 9, 2008

WAITING is up on the website–except there’s sort of a labeling problem. (You know when you’re reaching for chocolate and you get cheesecake…yeah, hate that!) Sometimes when you pull it up, the sidebar under ‘Amy’s Writings’ says ‘Yearning*’ and ‘Yearning’. The one WITH the *asterisk is *really* WAITING, not YEARNING! Sorry about that–fucking computer glitches!… Read More

Slowly becoming one with the cosmos…

on November 8, 2008

Okay– the dragon in my blood that was ‘Waiting’ has settled down to brood happily over ‘Rampant’ again, the election is over (Go Obama!!! California–shame on us. Shame on us all) and the Christmas madness has not quite begun. I’m almost ready to join the human race again. Or I would be if this pesky… Read More