Eh…when I liked lemonade, it was fire!!!

on June 5, 2008

I snarfed this one from Donna, and I’m serious–when I liked lemonade and thought I was courageous at my best, I was fire…I changed the emotion to ‘fair’ and the food to ‘potato chips’ and here I am at water… I’m gonna go see who I am when I like chocolate! Your Power Element is… Read More

Fingernails. Grabbing. Ledge.

on June 5, 2008

Ugh! So close to the end of school, and yet… 7 working days to go. I’ve said it before, the end of the year feels like taffy on one of those taffy pullers you see on the boardwalk, where this thick, gooey, disgusting mess (I don’t like taffy) is stretched impossibly thin until it gets… Read More

stuff and stuff!

on June 2, 2008

First of all–a couple of weeks ago I was terribly remiss–and it made a good story, so I really should have told it! I put a couple of skeins of sock yarn into the mail for Galad, and then e-mailed her to tell her it was coming. She replied, and we both had to laugh,… Read More

Would you believe…

on May 31, 2008

I got home on Friday and my mom called up and wanted to take the kids today? All day? They get to spend the night? DUDES!!! Did you know I’ve got a HUSBAND? News to me, too–but he has all these nifty ideas about what to do with our time…I may take him up on… Read More

One liners…

on May 29, 2008

I’ve been surrounded by them, and I’m trying to think of some of the zingers that have set Mate or I off in the last couple of days. * I don’t know what T was watching–I’ve either forgotten or blocked it out. But a couple of nights ago he came up to me while I… Read More

School and Family

on May 27, 2008

It’s been sort of a weird day–it’s been the sort of day where most of my students have given me a reason to want to be here. Except my 6th period, of course, but then, I’ll have to content myself with the sad fact that I’ll probably outlive most of the kids that are giving… Read More

What do you mean, I haven’t blogged today?

on May 26, 2008

It’s not like I’ve done much else! The feet are acting up again, and if they’re gonna act up, I wish they’d act like an exotic dancer’s feet and get me somewhere cool, because this other thing is just pissing me off. Anyway, I spent a lot of my day with Ladybug on my lap,… Read More

Whatnots and Memes

on May 23, 2008

First of all, thank you! Do not worry if you didn’t feel the same way about the prologue as the other posters–that’s why I sent it out, to get a variety of opinions. I”m going to clarify some things, and if it makes a difference, let me know. 1. Torrant and Yarri both live through… Read More

Since you all insist…

on May 21, 2008

(and thank you so much for insisting…) Okay, here’s the deal. I talked a lot about ‘Goddess Stories’ in the first book–and not at all in the second. I did this on purpose. I wanted to prep everybody for ‘Triane’s Son’ and ‘Oueant’s Son’ to be in their own Goddess story, so to speak. And… Read More

Pieces, picking up…

on May 19, 2008

* First of all, I”m overdue for a me-me from Knit-tech–I haven’t forgotten you, darling, I’m just distracted. I’ll get there:-) * Second, I finally managed to post my package to my blogoversary winner–here’s hoping she’s not disappointed. She got signed books and yarn (the yarn was, fortunately, not signed;-) and some goodies for the… Read More